

I spent some of my time here

— glensedits Report User
Flag chart 14 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
America loves Iraq
Perfect 3 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
The power of Photoshop
So 90s it hurts 7 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
I gotta ask when were you born?
I think she wants to say no 3 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
That's accurate
Spongebob logic at its best 21 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
Spongebob is for kids now
Unnecessary censorship 13 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
WWE has gone to a new level
Actually comment is no funny, but I wrote it so I made a post 5 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
That's a good reason to make it 5 stars
Selfie game is strong with this one 18 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
This is gonna be the last selfie for him
Epic beach 12 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
All of college money is going here
Police brutality across the world 20 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
This is why Canada doesn't go to war
Magic meaning puberty 20 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
Is the last one to the right hugging himself?
"I hate my life." 3 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
This is what I see while I am eating
Cat cleaning itself 3 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
Aren't they supposed to use there tongues?
I'm getting old 16 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
I have never seen a floppy disk
Can't believe I haven't figured this out myself.. 11 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
That's unique
What machine is that 19 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
Lots of fish in the sea 13 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
Something's fishy here..
· Edited 10 years ago
Advantage: Brazil 14 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
America did it again....
Things are always better in France 36 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
God dammit America, you did it again!
Expensive things 20 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
Only Bill Gates can buy this all
USA 34 comments
glensedits · 10 years ago
America is very unique.
That's because you don't have a d*ck 10 comments
glensedits · 11 years ago
Dude, let me in... I'm a fairy 9 comments
glensedits · 11 years ago
He's everywhere 11 comments
glensedits · 11 years ago
Your dad loved that.