

— god_ Report User
*Anti-Trump Title* 15 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
You guys have fun with your SJW fantasy. I will have fun in my country that will be safer and prosper economically. Fucking sad how low you guys will dip, yet he is still winning on all levels. The vocal minority is always the loudest, I suppose.
Would You? 18 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
It doesn't matter if you feel comfortable as the lack of windows removes massive amounts of stress which means that they can be thinner without losing any structural integrity. Somebody or a bunch of somebodies far more intelligent that you and I have already done all the research to figure this out.
we have to kneel down and if our dress doesn't touch the floor we get a detention 10 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Step one) don't require female students to wear a fucking skirt
Super easy.
Bottleneck 6 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Running fallout 4 on my old computer be like
Han Solo pls 33 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Exactly, thank you lol
Han Solo pls 33 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
How is it not out of proportion? Because it is a recent event, just as the ending to the nba games that some people may not know what happened during. That's how. I don't think you are grasping the fact that this is your logic.
Han Solo pls 33 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Blowing it out of proportion? No, I'm just following your logic. It's quite literally no different than what you are getting at with star wars. Would it make you happier if I used an example relating to sports? A half court shot took the raptors to over time where they proceeded to lose. Ted cruz dropped out. Bill Clinton was a president. The allies won ww2.
This is "offensive." At least to you, that is.
Han Solo pls 33 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
No. I'm not. You have unrealistic expectations for what life "should be." should we not take history classes to learn about the past? Is that a spoiler? What about knowing about news from recent events? Should I tell my coworkers there was a shooting in San bernando? Is that rude to spoil it? Grow up.
Han Solo pls 33 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Jack dies at the end. Oh wait, what about people that have just been in a coma and haven't seen Titanic yet. Shit. I'm a dick.
Can't understand why people in concerts are on their phone all the time 17 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Was just at Disney world. People spend thousands of dollars to go take selfies and record fireworks and the rides rather than enjoying the experience. Had several people with video flash on during fireworks and coasters, wanted to friggin hit them for being so rude to everyone.
The Official FunSubstance iOS App Is Here! 65 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Nah supernatural bro
And most liberal leaning individuals still hate this fact 25 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Your example is a perfect description of discrimination. Nothing else. Equality is giving everyone a fair chance. Everyone has one. If you can't get out of the ghetto it's no one's fault but your own, most likely. Work hard at everything and don't do stupid illegal stuff. It's simple from there. If nothing else, join the military. Easy money and good college benefits. You need to put the effort into life to strive. Not expect a hand out.
Whenever I'm Looking For A Job 8 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
*goes to college for a liberal arts "degree"*
"I can't find a job, college is useless!"
WWII brutality 41 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
@jes5890 I'm aware of that, I made that clear enough, but I'm also clarifying current times due to the apparent confusion that exists
WWII brutality 41 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Nope. You obviously know very little about the military. That is what we call an unlawful order, which does not have to be followed. If my lieutenant commander, or commander, the correct way to shorten it, ordered me to needlessly kill an enemy that has surrendered, I would absolutely disobey it because obeying it would send me to court martial and NJP for war crimes. Having a family member in the military doesn't make you a subject matter expert.
WWII brutality 41 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Who was discussing life after service? Furthermore, you're wrong. We are no longer taught to do as we are told. Now they emphasize that we need to be individual leaders and actively make the correct decision alongside of your unit, so long as it does not disobey lawful orders. If my lieutenant commander told me to mow down a parachuting pilot, I would flat out tell him no. I will not actively murder a defenseless human, and I know I'm not alone on that. You're just another misinformed civilian who has seen too many "military" movies and has grown an idea of what it is like to serve, which couldn't be further from the truth. It's quite sad the way everyone views all of us. We're more than mindless monsters.
WWII brutality 41 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
I'm missing it? I think you are. We aren't trained to kill anything that moves. We are trained to identify a threat and stop it with whatever means necessary. It was roughly the same back in the day. I don't think you understand that the real world is not like battlefield, a parachuting pilot is not a threat to you. It's unlikely that they've even got a rifle. I'm glad you aren't a military pilot, because you'd be in court martial real quick with the way you think things work.
WWII brutality 41 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
Ground warfare was different. Most of the time, orders were to eliminate any possible threat. However, both sides viewed shooting downed pilots as barbaric, even many of the top German and RAF pilots viewed it as down right murder. This is in a time of war, mind you. Neither side viewed it as okay, and that's the issue. There's actually a rule in the Geneva conventions about it, now. There was and is still no need to kill them. They will just fall down and stop being a threat or be captured as a POW.
WWII brutality 41 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
It doesn't matter if they just beheaded 5 people. If they've just surrendered (eg.. bailing and parachuting), they are no longer a target. War isn't about killing every living thing. It's about stopping the threat. What would I know though, I'm just in the military..
At the same time though, that guy needed it. He was a threat. Justice was served. Was it right? That's not for us to decide, but that man paid for his crimes.
13 · Edited 8 years ago
Gasp 20 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
That's good, I'm happy for yall, I wasn't commenting towards you specifically, just the standard idea. It's just so frustrating to see all of this negative and misconstrued stuff towards him, especially considering its only because the people who own the media aren't feeding him money so he does stuff for him. I think it's like 5 companies that own the media pretty much, so they all make him look worse than he really is, not that he's good, but still. And the fools but in on it, too, almost like the domino effect.
Gasp 20 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
That's funny, because I do remember many Sanders fans saying the opposite when the kkk "endorsed" trump.. The irony..
I thought he meant an english bulldog 10 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
It's a Brussels griffon
I thought he meant an english bulldog 10 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
It's a brussels griffon. Source; I have one, his name is whiskey. Unfortunately, due to the military, I'm seperated from him and my other doggo. Link to exact picture in thing; google com/search?q=brussel+griffon+with+boot+lip&client=ms-android-verizon&biw=360&bih=559&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwij8oKBqsnLAhVH-mMKHVOxA78Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=SjEXyZa4-5Ax0M%3A
Feel the bern 23 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
townhall (.) com/columnists/johncgoodman/2016/02/13/bernie-sanders-is-not-a-social-democrat-hes-a-marxist-n2118509/page/full
I get that you have your opinion, but dude, the facts are there bro..
· Edited 8 years ago
Feel the bern 23 comments
god_ · 8 years ago
He isn't a communist, you're correct. He's just trying to spread marxism. Marxism is just shy of communism. Do some fucking research.
"Simply put, Marxism is a philosophy and communism is the ideal state achieved when Marxism is lived out. A Marxist is a person who embraces the philosophy of Karl Marx; a Communist is a person who applies Marx’s ideas to the government and the economy." summit (.) org/blogs/the-presidents-desk/whats-so-bad-about-communism/