It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
· 9 years ago
All people such as yourself have against trump is that he is a "racist" and hates "Mexicans" (TIL Mexican is a race. I think the world y'all are searching for us bigot or nationalist.) that, or some ignorant comment about him starting a labor camp or something. That's like 75% of the 'liberal' opinion rn. Everyone hears 'free college' and gets all wet, yet they'll go get a lib arts degree or some useless shit and be a bump on a sore ass. I am not paying for you to go to college. My wife and I come first. Sorry. I'm willing to help anyone. I enlisted to help everyone with ease, but I'm not paying even more taxes for a lazy ass when I get shit compensation for what we all go through as is. I'm sure I'm not the only person with this logic in their head, too. Back on topic, that's all it is. Biased liberals and inbetweeners spreading false truth and mud so thick you'd think it was stone because that's the popular thing on the Internet. I guess that's no biggie, he's still winning.
It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
· 9 years ago
That is an awful argument. You're completely ignoring all of the points anyone has brought up just because you have a distaste for trump. People are cheating the system and coming to the us illegally. Are you aware of how much a legal immigrant has to go through? They earned citizenship. Not the illegal immigrants. If they want to become legal, law abiding citizens, cool, if not, they need to leave. Furthermore, crime IS coming through that border. Believe it or not, Hispanics and whites both illegally immigrate and both illegally brings drugs and perform violent crimes. You're biased, uninformed, and imagining that Mexico is a great country. It's riddled with crime, poverty and drugs and they bring all of that to the us everyday.
More sad news 7 comments
It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
· 9 years ago
What's worse yet is that you're a biased idiot.. Labor camps? Are you fucking kidding? Y'all are just anti-trump because it's the 'popular' thing now. I'm not even pro-trump, but this fad is hellaciously childish.
It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
It's not a joke guys, this is threatening. 140 comments
· 9 years ago
That moment when the fucking kkk can endorse Jesus or Clinton or fucking Doritos because they have free will. That doesn't mean he endorses the kkk or supports them. If you're going to dislike the guy, cool, but have a good argument besides the one that "he hates Mexicans" or that the "kkk endorses him," as both are biased things skewed to your agenda.