A common latino peasant lurking in the depths of the internet.
— Gorep1xel Report User
This is a hyper realistic oil painting 15 comments
· 10 years ago
That is a pain in the ass to paint (personal experience)
Edited 10 years ago
The most unexplained photos that exist 44 comments
The most unexplained photos that exist 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh you're talking about the Tor Network? theoneaboveall is right, there is useful info there, but very horrible one too. If you want to know more go to https://www.torproject.org/ and for sites... you're on your own.
Digging in the right places 4 comments
Race problems 20 comments
It deserves many Oscars 20 comments
· 10 years ago
I've never felt temperatures below 55F because we are hotter than Florida, but damn, that must be horrible.
Mit invents a shapeshifting display. Cool 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Now make it insanely small and sell it to a company, imagine phones with 1080p of these displays! Revolutionary, the future looks bright!
Literal poverty line in brazil 15 comments
· 10 years ago
These are called shanty towns (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanty_town), these are where the poor people live, where I live these are called "arrabales" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MODERN_BUILDINGS_TOWER_OVER_THE_SHANTIES_CROWDED_ALONG_THE_MARTIN_PENA_CANAL_-_NARA_-_546369.jpg)
The real cost of getting sick in the US 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Well my country is so heavily in debt (compared to what they can pay, plus they have a deficit), that good doctors are moving away, also the government can't spend much on new machines and infrastructure, so we are on the mid-90s in terms of medical advancement. But actually it is cheaper than in the 'States.
Epic comp - drunk edition 11 comments
The real cost of getting sick in the US 20 comments
· 10 years ago
wiggleworm29 I was referring to countries that are so heavily in debt (like mine), you can't get A++ service.
Awesome people being awesome 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Where can I buy those shirts? (Please a place that isn't crowded with hipsters!)
Largest quartz Crystal 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually there are bigger but they're so deep in the Earth's crust we can't get them.
Frozen "Let It Go" in 25 Languages 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Hey guys, did you know that if you know any romanic language or germanic language, you can understand the others easily? For example if I know Spanish (yeah, I know both spanishs sound different but they're the same), I can understand French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan? Also did you know learning one of the languages from the other family is pretty hard? That's why learning English as an Spanish-speaker is so hard.
Edited 10 years ago
Way To Blow Away The Patriarchy!!! 11 comments
The real cost of getting sick in the US 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Well you forget the quality of service (lucky americans!), in other countries you may have to wait or the conditions aren't as good. You forget that not only you have to pay rent, you have to pay other stuff like taxi and food.
EDIT: my perception of second-world was innacurate
Edited 10 years ago
EDIT: my perception of second-world was innacurate