

— grumpypole Report User
As a guy who lives alone 13 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
don't be ridiculous, we don't eat toilet paper, we magically change it into bobby pins
28 · Edited 10 years ago
Probaby the best pope ever 60 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
Are you aware that you it doesn't mean you can have same sex relationship? It's more like: if you abandon your evil gay ways (meaning: live against your nature), you're kinda ok. What's so cool about that?
Sorry for the rant.
Italy doesn't trust anyone, not even themselves 18 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
It's complicated and I say it as a Pole. Grumpy one, but nonetheless a Pole
What's the most f*cked up thing you've seen at a funeral 17 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
sorry, English is not my first language :)
What's the most f*cked up thing you've seen at a funeral 17 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
somehow I understand you. but who are we to judge other's coping mechanisms? maybe it was her way of dealing with it? of course I could be wrong and she's just a shallow bitch
1 · Edited 10 years ago
20 ways to mess with people without them knowing 11 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
it's so subtly evil, I love it
Archer wisdom 8 comments
grumpypole · 10 years ago
well, my police would laugh not shoot. ah, those little perks of living outside the US!
1 · Edited 10 years ago