Nailed it 10 comments
· 4 years ago
So how come so many motherfuckers pull guns or call the police when they run out of mc nuggets?
Just Mitch McConnell things 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Ya know there is one GLARING difference here that all you socialist idiots don't seem to have enough intelligence to understand, and that is that by that time Obama was not going to be president again under any circumstances, while the chances of Trump being reelected at this time are better than very good. The Republicans in congress wanting to prevent a very unfriendly president flipping us all the middle finger with the most extreme liberal judge he could find on his way out while now being confident that the current, friendly president will return in January for another term is completely understandable to anyone with the meanest of intellect.
Oh, and there's also the fact that this is politics, not a junior high snowflake safe space. This is the way it usually happens in the real world. The democrats would absolutely ram through their pick if they were in power in the senate, and they sure as hell wouldn't allow any hearings or debate as Mcconnell has stated he will.
Oh, and there's also the fact that this is politics, not a junior high snowflake safe space. This is the way it usually happens in the real world. The democrats would absolutely ram through their pick if they were in power in the senate, and they sure as hell wouldn't allow any hearings or debate as Mcconnell has stated he will.
Nice sip 6 comments
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
@guest_ I'm afraid that after a long day of working my ass off and paying taxes so that unemployed liberal snowflakes can sit in mommy's basement all day long and pontificate on whatever the current liberal cause celebre, I have neither the will nor the inclination to give you more than an eye roll. I do apologize.
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm curious how you think that banning abortions will actually make them increase?
As to your reference to Roe v. Wade, challenging that decision is the stated intent of the Alabama law. As I said earlier this, and other laws, were passed specifically as an entree to the courts. Personally I see this as folly, primarily because Roe v. Wade was not about abortion. For anyone who is ignorant of the history of this topic, this lawsuit was about personal privacy. Basically, the Supreme Court adjudicates constitutional questions. There is nothing in the US Constitution about a woman's right to abortion. There is, however, an enumerated right to privacy. Yes this started with abortion, but the actual court decision did not legalize abortion. It has been twisted and lied about for decades. Because of that fact I see nothing to be gained from revisiting a fight that really has little bearing on the topic du-jour. Therefore, I see no reason for concern about these laws
As to your reference to Roe v. Wade, challenging that decision is the stated intent of the Alabama law. As I said earlier this, and other laws, were passed specifically as an entree to the courts. Personally I see this as folly, primarily because Roe v. Wade was not about abortion. For anyone who is ignorant of the history of this topic, this lawsuit was about personal privacy. Basically, the Supreme Court adjudicates constitutional questions. There is nothing in the US Constitution about a woman's right to abortion. There is, however, an enumerated right to privacy. Yes this started with abortion, but the actual court decision did not legalize abortion. It has been twisted and lied about for decades. Because of that fact I see nothing to be gained from revisiting a fight that really has little bearing on the topic du-jour. Therefore, I see no reason for concern about these laws
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
I am passionate about politics and as you can probably tell I am a proud conservative. However, most of us on the right are not the rabid anti-abortion, anti-woman, anti-whatever-the-liberals-think-is-fun ogres the Democrats paint us as. Most of us recognize that there are circumstances in which abortions may be reasonable, but the left like to make such arguments "all or nothing." Basically, they want any woman (hell the other day I heard a claim that men should have the right to abortion on demand because, of course, "men" can get pregnant too) to have the inalienable right to have these parasitic tumors ripped out and disposed of whenever the woman sees fit. Most of us are not necessarily patently anti-abortion, but this ever accelerating trend is actually a symptom of a much deeper and insidious societal disease.
Edited 5 years ago
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
@celticrose these laws are purposely extreme. As I explained. No one. And I mean no one in any of these state legislatures intends these laws to be implemented, much less enforced. The purpose of these laws is simply to entice lawsuits from the liberals. They are bait. And they have worked. Debating the merits of these laws like they are "real" is inane.
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
No, not exactly @jasonmon. Perhaps you should enroll in school somewhere.
However, y'all obviously don't understand what is going on in the world and just jump at whatever conservative bogeyman your antisocial media tells you to. First, Alabama is not the first state to pass a law like this and won't be the last. They're just the target the liberal media chose to hit this time. Second, and much more importantly, this law and the others like it in other states was never meant to actually be enforced. These laws have been passed for the express purpose of going to court. Conservatives are sick and tired of the non-stop liberal assault on morality and common decency, and New York and Virginia passing laws basically saying women can have abortions up to and even after birth was the last straw. These laws were written the way they were because conservative lawmakers knew the liberals would sue in a second. Now it can be fought out in the courts.
However, y'all obviously don't understand what is going on in the world and just jump at whatever conservative bogeyman your antisocial media tells you to. First, Alabama is not the first state to pass a law like this and won't be the last. They're just the target the liberal media chose to hit this time. Second, and much more importantly, this law and the others like it in other states was never meant to actually be enforced. These laws have been passed for the express purpose of going to court. Conservatives are sick and tired of the non-stop liberal assault on morality and common decency, and New York and Virginia passing laws basically saying women can have abortions up to and even after birth was the last straw. These laws were written the way they were because conservative lawmakers knew the liberals would sue in a second. Now it can be fought out in the courts.
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
I've studied the Constitution. I can assure you that there is nothing in the Constitution about killing unborn babies.
Ol' sport 3 comments
· 5 years ago
The depression was in the 30's. The twenties were roaring. You're not depressed you're a twit.
Imminent unbecoming Eel 8 comments
· 5 years ago
The key word there is "elite," isn't it? The "betters" of the world have always had privileges and access that the proletariat do not. Also, Germany admittedly has a long history medical innovation reaching as far back as Josef Mengele.
Imminent unbecoming Eel 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Exactly why Europeans with the money come to America for healthcare. Ask yourselves why Mick Jagger was recently in The States for his heart valve replacement instead of the wonderful and free England?
Imminent unbecoming Eel 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Maybe mate, but while you're waiting 18 months to even be seen by your "free" cardiologist (meanwhile you died after 3 months) we've already had a heart transplant and recovered and are eating like this again. And if our insurance doesn't cover the whole bill nearly every hospital has funds to help so we're actually just fine.
This cannot be topped 3 comments
The best President is one whom is intimately familiar with tax code. Prove me wrong 8 comments
· 5 years ago
To all- the things that Trump did with his taxes were absolutely NOT tax fraud. They were not "loopholes" either. It is the federal tax code. For those of you who cannot understand the word code, he followed the LAW. Federal tax laws allow deductions, exemptions, etc. and President Trump's company claimed them in accordance with existing federal law. Most of you probably can't figure out a simple 1040 much less corporate filings. Business taxes are complicated, while most of you on antisocial media are very simple.
Well I have better beer and frozen mini pizzas, so pretty close 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Only problem I see is that blue box of recycled bar restroom piss. Throw a suitcase of Yuengling, Corona, Beck's, maybe Dos Equis in there and it's all good.
Nice sip 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm a little concerned that they felt the need to put "cotton candy" in parentheses.
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah and why don't we just stop requiring a prescription for all medicines? Birth control pills are hormones. Hormones are what control your entire body and essential life functions. Seems to me like something important enough to your health that you might want someone who knows a little more than you about the subject to be involved. Fuck it. Why don't we fight for "accessibility" to childhood immunizations without a doctor? What am I thinking? You don't want to bring children into the world. Ok we'll fight for "accessibility" to abortions without a doctor. While we're being stupid I demand "accessibility" to oxycontin.
J sayin’ 76 comments
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
Yes anyone can buy condoms anywhere anytime. Pills may need a prescription but I've never heard of any doctor ever refusing to give one. Anyone, male or female, can get birth control as easily as they can find a hookup.
J sayin’ 76 comments
· 5 years ago
Birth control is available anywhere anytime to anyone. It couldn't be more accessible unless someone chased you down and forced a pill down your throat or snapped a condom on your dick. Enough of this make birth control accessible bullshit. What you mean is you want it free. Get a fucking job. I'm not paying for you to be able to fuck anyone whenever you want without consequences.
Democracy, fire and blood 4 comments
Why vigilantes are idiots 13 comments
· 5 years ago
No @guest_ perhaps I wasn't clear. I certainly do not advocate blindly developing an uninformed opinion and sticking to it, facts be damned. I always research the whole story before first deciding if I give a damn, and then what I may think of it. In actuality my suggestion was advise for a happier existence, since people who constantly try to see everyone's point of view and not offend anyone are seldom happy. I was merely suggesting that you may be happier (not that I'm suggesting you're not happy, of course) if you were to stop trying to acknowledge all possible sides of a debate and simply state your considered opinion. Of course, I don't know you and perhaps you just have an accommodating personality. As for myself, if I decide I care enough to develop an opinion you will always know where I stand!
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
· 5 years ago
@guest_ I'm only saying that you surely have your opinions on subjects. Unless you're a bot, of course. Screw the "objective"/trying to see both sides/trying not to offend/playing devil's advocate bullshit. Whatever you want to call it life is too fucking short to worry about trying to see everyone's point or trying not to upset anyone with a contrary opinion. Fucking make a statement and own it bro.