All music is art 6 comments
· 5 years ago
The only setting I could enjoy rap in would be a funeral. Mine. Where I can't hear the crap.
Lets hear your thoughts! 17 comments
· 5 years ago
I love philosophy.
Unfortunately it has been mathematically proven that a straw has one hole.
Unfortunately it has been mathematically proven that a straw has one hole.
We've known since 1912 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Spoken like a true moron. How in hell can you say that you can't compare climate change with climate change? The Earth's climate has changed many, many times in the past and will in the future. The earth rotates on it's axis. It's axis wobbles. The wobbly earth circles the sun. The sun's output goes through highs and lows. All of these things are empirical fact. All of these things effect climate. There is nothing that humans can do to cause or prevent these natural changes. The fact that you children have absolutely no concept of logic or reason, have no critical thinking skills, and blindly accept whatever pablum you are fed by those with an agenda while not only ignoring contrary facts, but actively fighting against them boggles my mind. And the fact that you are the future of this world, frankly, frightens the absolute fuck out of me.
We've known since 1912 8 comments
· 5 years ago
No guest, we are not going through the worst of any weather the world has seen. Weather and climate data has only been kept for a little more than a century, and we are not even seeing the worst in that short time frame. I mean, are you really thick enough to think the weather patterns today are worse than any of the previous ice ages or warming periods? Just how many of the once lush ecosystems in the world that are now barren deserts changed in the last hundred years because of industrialization? I'm sure you're far too young and indoctrinated to realize this but 40 years ago we were told we were experiencing global cooling and had ten years to fix whatever they claimed was causing it or we would be dead. 30 years ago we were told we had ten years to fix global warming. 20 years ago we were told we'd be dead in ten years. 10 years ago we were told we'd be dead in ten years. Guess what? Ain't nothin at all changed.
We've known since 1912 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I know this will be a foreign concept to most on this site but let's try to use a critical thinking here.
Doomsday predictions such as this really have been around since the industrial revolution. Some people cannot cope with progress and always look for the dark side of everything. There is not nearly enough space here to list and refute even a fraction of the crazy predictions of yesteryear.
Let's just look at this one logically; If the alarmists have been yelping about global warming for more than a century and we are all still alive and nothing, and I mean NOTHING that they have said would happen in the last 100+ years has happened, dontcha think maybe there might NOT actually be something to it after all? What this is is more proof that global warming is bullshit.
Doomsday predictions such as this really have been around since the industrial revolution. Some people cannot cope with progress and always look for the dark side of everything. There is not nearly enough space here to list and refute even a fraction of the crazy predictions of yesteryear.
Let's just look at this one logically; If the alarmists have been yelping about global warming for more than a century and we are all still alive and nothing, and I mean NOTHING that they have said would happen in the last 100+ years has happened, dontcha think maybe there might NOT actually be something to it after all? What this is is more proof that global warming is bullshit.
an*lysis 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Jim Davis didn't write "the movies". Read "the strip." Jon has never gone anywhere to work in more than 40 years.
Edited 5 years ago
an*lysis 11 comments
· 5 years ago
John is a cartoonist and works from home. He is around every day of the week, including Mondays. Sorry. Try again.
Is it spook season already? 21 comments
· 5 years ago
Forgot to log in but glad I could start the conversation. LOL.
Edited 5 years ago
Only geniuses will upvote 6 comments
Carved that ring from shed deer antler 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Hey Bambi and his buddies have cost me two cars and lots more minor damage! Not to mention he's quite tasty. LOL
Carved that ring from shed deer antler 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Ah I see. Never been there but looks like a beautiful place to live.
Well hunting and fishing are popular recreation in all 50 states here and just to give you an idea of how stupid a lot of our natural resource laws are my state had been reducing the number of deer tags they would sell for several years (you have you buy a hunting license, then buy tags that will allow you to hunt whatever deer the tags are for, for example doe only and only the number of deer you have tags for and only in whatever part of the state the tags say) and the deer population got out of hand. If you don't know, deer will destroy farmers fields and they cause motorist deaths and damage vehicles when you hit one. They can be adult human sized or bigger. So instead of allowing hunters to pay the state for tags and hunt more deer my state paid "professional hunters" millions of dollars to kill deer and get the herds down to a more manageable level.
Edited 5 years ago
Well hunting and fishing are popular recreation in all 50 states here and just to give you an idea of how stupid a lot of our natural resource laws are my state had been reducing the number of deer tags they would sell for several years (you have you buy a hunting license, then buy tags that will allow you to hunt whatever deer the tags are for, for example doe only and only the number of deer you have tags for and only in whatever part of the state the tags say) and the deer population got out of hand. If you don't know, deer will destroy farmers fields and they cause motorist deaths and damage vehicles when you hit one. They can be adult human sized or bigger. So instead of allowing hunters to pay the state for tags and hunt more deer my state paid "professional hunters" millions of dollars to kill deer and get the herds down to a more manageable level.
Carved that ring from shed deer antler 10 comments
· 5 years ago
The excuse is usually something along the lines of there's no proof you found it and didn't poach the deer. Just another stupid liberal law like not allowing someone to drain a mosquito infested ditch on your own property because they claim it's a protected wetlands. I asked if it was good if I had a deer tag then but was told no. When I asked why picking up an antler and leaving the animal alive was bad but if I have a deer tag and shoot a deer and process it and keep it's antlers that's okay the critter cop just got pissy and threatened to arrest me. The DNR doesn't have a sense of humor.
Came across an old screenshot that was too funny not to repost (OP in comments) 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Quite right. The pentagram is Christian. The satanic symbol everyone gets it confused with (pentacle) is inverted, with the top tip pointing down, and frequently has the two legs pointing up closer together. This symbol represents a goats head (the Sigil of Baphomet).
Edited 6 years ago
Tape measure usage 4 comments
· 6 years ago
I once took a tape measure to bed with me because I wanted to see how long I slept.
Coming from an European 13 comments
· 6 years ago
These are glaring examples of what the media claims will happen without net neutrality, but this sort of thing has been happening all along under Obama and you haven't complained about until now.
Coming from an European 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Are you smoking something you should be sharing @dcottingham? You obviously have no clue what Obama's "net neutrality" is. I'll give you a hint; it is absolutely not about fair and equal access to the internet.
Yes, your utopian vision of a "neutral" internet was the general idea from it's inception and, in fact, the net was open and "fair" right up to the point the FCC imposed these specious rules. What the Obama administration and the leftist media are caterwauling about being repealed is nothing close to the fairness you've been led to believe in.
Try this: have you ever watched Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube, etc. and had your feed pause to buffer? Do you or anyone you know have an "unlimited data" plan, but find that your speeds seem to slow down after you've used a certain amount in a month? What about AT&T giving it's subscribers free Direct TV when everyone else has to pay for it?
Edited 6 years ago
Yes, your utopian vision of a "neutral" internet was the general idea from it's inception and, in fact, the net was open and "fair" right up to the point the FCC imposed these specious rules. What the Obama administration and the leftist media are caterwauling about being repealed is nothing close to the fairness you've been led to believe in.
Try this: have you ever watched Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube, etc. and had your feed pause to buffer? Do you or anyone you know have an "unlimited data" plan, but find that your speeds seem to slow down after you've used a certain amount in a month? What about AT&T giving it's subscribers free Direct TV when everyone else has to pay for it?
Coming from an European 13 comments
· 6 years ago
There was no such thing until only about two freaking years ago. Obama's FCC forced it on us only recently and the whole effing world seems to think it was enshrined in the Constitution or something!
The explosion of the internet and our technological advancements of the past 20 years happened specifically because there were NO REGULATIONS ON THE INTERNET. Try googling just exactly what the "net neutrality" regulations are and it SHOULD be obvious that these regulations were actually killing the internet.
The explosion of the internet and our technological advancements of the past 20 years happened specifically because there were NO REGULATIONS ON THE INTERNET. Try googling just exactly what the "net neutrality" regulations are and it SHOULD be obvious that these regulations were actually killing the internet.