Why hello good sir, it seems you are on my page.— gummibear7688 Report User
If at first you don't succeed 12 comments
· 10 years ago
In the manga Hanji has not been given an gender because the writer (?) Said "you can think hanji is whichever you want" but in the anime Hanji is female
My opinion on dating 8 comments
· 10 years ago
When I was in japan the girl I was staying with asked me if I had a boyfriend and when I said i didnt want one they thought I was lesbian with my best friend
Different bites 13 comments
Pokefans will understand 57 comments
Pokefans will understand 57 comments
There's no better way to piss off someone who's in a good mood 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Usually i say "Im not angry" then I get and angry voice and say "THIS IS WHAT I SOUND LIKE WHEN IM ACTUALLY ANGRY"
Edited 10 years ago
TFIOS is in 5 more days, guys!! 30 comments
Really? Me? Why not you? 3 comments
bet you read it in their voices 13 comments
Can you relate? 29 comments
· 10 years ago
My friend and I have a word that nobody understands except for us. It is poopen tag and for some reason it cracks us up.
I think it's trying to communicate 113 comments
· 10 years ago
Let us sing the traditional songs .
Gimme a home amongst the gum trees
With lotsa plum trees
A sheep or two
a kangaroo
A clothesline out the back
veranda out the front and an old rocking chair
Gimme a home amongst the gum trees
With lotsa plum trees
A sheep or two
a kangaroo
A clothesline out the back
veranda out the front and an old rocking chair
she's tying her shoe 109 comments
I think it's trying to communicate 113 comments
I think it's trying to communicate 113 comments
New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Michael Bay (Trailer) 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Wow Megan Fox and Micheal Bay working in th same movie. This will work perfectly