

— harperfan7 Report User
Why can't it be Asian? I feel left out 15 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
the internet must traverse different dimensions cuz you fuckers are high
Why can't it be Asian? I feel left out 15 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
The fuck? Anytime it's NOT a white, they won't tell you. They love plastering teh news with white shooters.
Chick magnet 5 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
okay, but it's crushing the ones below to death
China is brutal 13 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
tldr: "im butthurt"
China is brutal 13 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
Fucking why cant we do this. People are so retarded these days
That will save you from them 17 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
whoa, I didn't know there were two of them
Stupid people online comp 13 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
california may as well be a different country
it's basically north mexico
bugger that's sad 6 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
pictures are taken from cameras which have one "eye", whereas we see everything from two eyes
I think that's where the difference comes from. If they ever make cameras that have two "eyes" and synthesize the information, it'll look real
When someone says weed should stay illegal 20 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
crime went down because pot is now legal, that's it
Times kids realized their parents were cooler than them 4 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
There's plenty of this same shit and even more extreme stuff going on with the current young generation, it's just that the earlier generations weren't taking pictures of fucking everything and oversaturating the market, so to speak.
But yeah, theres a pic in my dads yearbook from the 70s where two guys with varsity jackets, one on the shoulders of the other, and standing on the football field goal. I could get up there myself, but I sure as shit wouldn't sit on somebody while doing it.
Meanwhile, that kid on the floor is about to drink bleach 14 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
The sad thing is she's just going to keep doing it, and he'll have a hard heart about things like that in the future.
What's the first thing you would do? 21 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
The next generation, everybody. I hope you like gulags instead of nursing homes.
Little vases 5 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
how horrible
Not a Hooker! 13 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
No other actor can match toms charisma and force. He was great.
Friendzoning is getting more advanced 9 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
yeah i dont think he's friendzoned
Well it's true 4 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
I can see his jew nose from here.
Productive worker 5 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
Yep. Rookie mistake, OP.
And you thought you were having a bad day 7 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
How did this get to the news?
French police 12 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
Hakuna Matata 6 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
it's my worry free, philosophy, fuck bitches get money
Prove them wrong 48 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
she must be tall then
This says a lot 16 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
If you can't compete without using illegals, you deserve to fail.
This says a lot 16 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
First of all, most of the people who live in those areas were probably illegals to begin with. 2nd, I bet you anything there was virtually no advertisement for those jobs. 3rd, even if so, they were probably only offering less than minimum wage like they do with the illegals.
Our reality today 12 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
american farmers are rich as fuck
Certainly not good. But better an idiot than a Dictator. 27 comments
harperfan7 · 7 years ago
And form successful countries.