

I like turtles.

— hashrald Report User
Wow! I never knew that! 47 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
The sarcasm is fatal
Sticky subject 31 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
If you have a live chicken and an egg in front of you and was told to either cut the head of the chicken or smash the egg and you hesitate on what to do, then it's ok to think that avortion is wrong. Because tell me honestly, is an egg and a live chicken worth the same?
Let's play "find the vegan" 25 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Thats not the only harvard study done on milk and most of them find that it is good for you.
Reason why we drink so much 6 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Sweden too
· Edited 8 years ago
Fabulous cat 6 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Only got 20 meows in my pocket
I have absolutely no idea who ate my lipstick 7 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
You wanna know how i got these scars?
Fabulous cat 6 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
*thriftshop plays*
I also thought it was a man disguised as a monkey 6 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Horse.exe stoped working
I want cheaper bacon 10 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
You sneaky beast
Starboy and The Otter of Outer Space 5 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
I can otter to lend my spaceship
Otters love glass 3 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Now i can't think of anything otter than this
Me as a parent 11 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
That was a *puts on glases* FANTAstic idea.
After watching Avengers again 11 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Probably pixie dust and unicorn blood
Black One The Survivor Of Mars 170 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
Flare fist, the survivor of hope
He's a rap god too. Buddha 9 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
But Eminem is not a king, he's a god...
Day 286 of your daily dose of cute: This title contains 0 otter puns 26 comments
hashrald · 8 years ago
U ned to start doing otter things with ur life
Midnight in Antarctica 7 comments
hashrald · 9 years ago
Sweden too