Look at this friendly kookaburra on my fence! 3 comments
· 4 years ago
There’s nothing friendly about a kookaburra, evil little shits always steal my snags on my bbq
Yeah and now me too :') 3 comments
It's getting toasty 8 comments
· 5 years ago
oh shit, that explains the smog in brisbane. I just thought it was going to storm
Savage af 4 comments
Australian reindeer 9 comments
Every damn time 12 comments
· 6 years ago
My cat loves to be kissed, he always starts purring straight after. He’s a super affectionate cat though
The period 4 comments
· 6 years ago
It was about their struggle when trying to fall pregnant but she’s pregnant now.
Call me a b*tch, I dare you 9 comments
Seriously why didn't they!!!? 7 comments
· 6 years ago
There was an interview I saw a few months ago with Donald Glover who said that he was really excited to work with Rowan Atkinson as Disney was trying to hire as much of the old cast as possible but Rowan couldn't take the role as he would be filming Johnny English at the same time and couldn't continuously fly between the US and UK. I'll see if i can find the interview...
Every f**king morning 11 comments
Mother puts her life on the line to protect her baby 19 comments
· 6 years ago
I’ve seen this all over the news here and everyone is calling her a hero. But all I keep think is that everyone knew the storm was coming and they repeatedly told everyone to stay indoors, she was an idiot to be outside.
Mother puts her life on the line to protect her baby 19 comments
· 6 years ago
They didn’t change the location. Queensland in Australia is known as the sunshine state...
Obese parents giving obese child a triple scoop of ice cream 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Not sure of the countries that were included in those studies but I’ve lived in Canada, UK and Australia and in all three it was much cheaper to eat healthy and cook my own food than get fast food or processed stuff.
Obese parents giving obese child a triple scoop of ice cream 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Nah that is bullshit. I make brown rice, tuna and vegetables for 7 dinners for $13 from a supermarket. My weekly grocery budget for 2 people is $30 and thats buying luxury items too.
If I get a pizza or fast food, I would spend $30 in 2-3 meals. Fruit and vegetables are cheap, frozen food or fast food is vastly more expensive.
If I get a pizza or fast food, I would spend $30 in 2-3 meals. Fruit and vegetables are cheap, frozen food or fast food is vastly more expensive.
The cruelty of girls 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Also had a eating disorder as a teen/ relapsed a few times as a young adult and can say it was started by my mother and a swimming coach. The people who helped me recover were my female friends and other females around me.
Gold but old 12 comments
· 6 years ago
A person wouldn't get 5-10 years for slapping an ass. Just like murder, there are different degrees of sexual assault. For rape you can get up to life imprisonment, attempted rape or intent to rape is up to 14 years and other sexual assaults can get up to 10 years depending on the level of harm was caused. Slapping someone on the ass probably wouldn't even get you arrested.
However, it's still an act that is sexual in nature and is performed without consent, so it is a sexual assault.
However, it's still an act that is sexual in nature and is performed without consent, so it is a sexual assault.
Gold but old 12 comments
· 6 years ago
No, I would not automatically assume that someone who was sexually assaulted was raped. The definition of sexual assault is just 'unwanted sexual contact'. This can range from sexual touching, such as smacking someones ass, right up to rape.
Gold but old 12 comments
· 6 years ago
It's always been classified as sexual assault... people are now just no longer putting up with it.
New selfie craze 4 comments
Her face tho 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Lady bought her 2year old child into the ED that I work out. Kid was in respiratory distress from whooping cough that she had been treating ‘naturally’ for two weeks. Hadn’t vaccinated him because she didn’t want him to get autism or get unnecessary chemicals in his body. Kid ended up in cardiac arrest and was without oxygen to the brain for nearly 7 minutes. He survived but had suffered a traumatic brain injury and will be a vegetable for the rest of his life.
Found out later that she was charged with child endangerment and abuse but was let off.
And from searching her on fb,I see she still doesnt believe in vaccinations, didn’t get her other two children vaccinated and believes her child is disabled because of the drugs (adrenaline) we gave him when he went into cardiac arrest.
Some people are just idiots.
Found out later that she was charged with child endangerment and abuse but was let off.
And from searching her on fb,I see she still doesnt believe in vaccinations, didn’t get her other two children vaccinated and believes her child is disabled because of the drugs (adrenaline) we gave him when he went into cardiac arrest.
Some people are just idiots.
He's watching 1 comments
· 6 years ago
This happens every time my boyfriend and I have sex. It’s like they can sense it...
"Karma is a b*tch": The Latest Weird Chinese Meme 6 comments
· 6 years ago
This has been around for at least six months... you're a little late to the party
Every small town local drug dealer 8 comments
· 6 years ago
This has always annoyed me. Opium is made from a plant too... just because it’s made from a plant doesn’t make it any less of a drug.