He has her back 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Marry that boy.
Only in Japan 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Did they provide a cute, big-eyed girl to sex up? I thought they just did that in Japan. No?
Planking: Level 9000 11 comments
· 7 years ago
When someone opens that door, we are going to have a front-row seat to an ambulance visit.
Why does this look creepy 9 comments
What an amazing love story 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Am I the only one who is wondering why he was buying G-cup bras before he met her?
Edited 7 years ago
When the grass looks greener 3 comments
Respect for gates family 66 comments
· 7 years ago
So, just because you did something, we should? Using that logic, we should support lynching black folk, because folks before us used to do that. We should also support keeping women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. And let's not forget about simply just following blindly when our leaders tell us to go to war. Or listen to disco.
Yeah, your generation blows. You saddled us with monstrous amounts of debt. you have made it virtually impossible to buy and own a family home, or pay for the education that skyrockets past the point of people to repay.
It isn't that we're lazy whiners. We are trying to dismantle a system that you allowed to bleed the country dry. You allowed it. We aren't going to do that. So either support the movement or get the hell out of the way.
Yeah, your generation blows. You saddled us with monstrous amounts of debt. you have made it virtually impossible to buy and own a family home, or pay for the education that skyrockets past the point of people to repay.
It isn't that we're lazy whiners. We are trying to dismantle a system that you allowed to bleed the country dry. You allowed it. We aren't going to do that. So either support the movement or get the hell out of the way.
This guy knows how to beat the system 3 comments
Only 00's kids remember tide pods. 9 comments
Welcome to Hell 9 comments
Disgrace 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I love how non-Americans try to guess what American things are (yeah, I'm looking at you, Yukihaki). It's like a flakier pop-tart with a bit of white frosting ribboned on it.