Topical!! 83 comments
· 9 years ago
Fun fact from a Georgia boy (who happens to not b a racist I might add) that flag isn't even the real confederate flag! It's the battle flag that Lee's army carried into battle. Since the war of northern aggression (as we call it below the Mason-Dixon) the flag has been taken on by groups like the KKK to symbolize a fight that came AFTER the south lost. Another fun fact, the Schwastica actually originated as a Buddhist symbol (maybe Hindu idk). But now days, people don't see it and say "Buddah!" They see it and say "NAZI!" Same with the confederate flag. Since the flag has become so offensive to some people, it may be time to visit the issue and investigate why it is flown. South Carolina happens to be the state where the whole conflict turned into war, so for them to fly the flag isn't that crazy from a historical POV. I say they take down the flag that has come to mean racist, an replace it with the real states rights flag, the stars and bars
Stop glorifying self-harm 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Just because someone does something stupid, doesn't mean you should lose all respect for them. People hurt themselves like this, not because they feel sad, the do this because they feel nothing. They have fallen so far into depression, sadness, and lonelyness, they literally cannot cry because of it. The body has adjusted and numbed. When someone cuts their wrists, it's because feeling pain seems better than feeling nothing. Its not a good thing, it is very bad, but the real issue is people's attitudes about it. Trust me, that girl on the train with scars on her arms knows she is a mess, you reminding her is only going to perpetuate a cycle of evil and hate that drove her there in the first place.
Kayne West doing his Kanye Best 64 comments
ooh damn 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, Darwins finches are proof of natural selection. The beaks of those birds change back and fourth through generations. Different beaks are better for getting different foods. When a certain type of food is more available (I.e. Nuts with hard shells) the beaks of the birds are all fatter and better equipped for nut cracking
ooh damn 24 comments
ooh damn 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, fun fact, no one can prove evolution either! Both Inteligent Design Theory and Evolution Theory are just that. Theories! To prove something happened, it must be repeatable, observable, and there can be no other possible explination.
Well, that is strange 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah... Someone get the Math side of FunSub on this, the numbers don't add up
All Good Things About A Girl 25 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't agree with the dirty vocabulary. Like, a little cussing is a turn on, but when it gets to the point were you can't open your mouth without dropping the F-Bomb, and people cringe when you start to talk cause they don't know what's gonna pop out, it's an issue. I actually broke up with my last fling over this. Two dates in I was like, "how the hell am I supposed to introduce you to my family?"
Seriously 40 comments
· 9 years ago
Full disclosure here, thy gaps are a TURN OFF for me! If I don't have anything to grab, how we gonna hug?