

hickorynut2 Report User
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hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
True on your racism bit, but actually the flag they want to remove from SC is in fact a square, but I see where you are comming from with the rectangle one being racist
Size comparisons 22 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
In Atlanta, you drive for a damn two hours, and you could still be in a place where people say, "I'm from Atlanta" I swear to you the suburbs are endless.
Size comparisons 22 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
More like, NUMBER ONE of fifty! Someone call the Texans and tell em to up vote me
roll* look* nope 15 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Cause I hate to say it, but these guys need it. If a woman is gonna sleep with you guys, it's a very high possibility that she has something. But hey, a lot of people out there will like this, so you will be making money soon!
George R.R. Martin response to the drama 14 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
I would venture that over 75% of people do not know what the true flag of the south looks like, and if you were to ask them what it was, they wouldn't know. To me, the flag calls to mind the fight for states rights that I believe Mr. Lincoln's War was. States rights trump most federal legislation (as we see in Washington and Colorado with recent legalization of Marijuana)
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
*clears throat and stacks papers* and now for my rebuttal. When, in this millennia have we seen a riot from a bunch of people with the Rebel Flag? What we HAVE seen is a riot (or five) with the symbol of punks like Treyvon Martin and Mike Brown. When there is a large group of people walking through the streets waving that flag, it's usually in a parade, an event most often highly populated by police. You say the flag stands for much more than racism, I would say that, as a controversial symbol, it means very different things to different people. It doesn't matter the color of your skin, it matters how you were raised. There is a black man (his name slips my mind) that parades around the country and goes on speaking tours about why he supports the Confederate Flag. Turns out, after research, he flies the flag as a symbol of rebellion against the government. The historically accurate version is still a symbol that means different things to different people.
A good teacher 6 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
She was hot too... (Hue hue see what I did there)
5 · Edited 9 years ago
A good teacher 6 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Now that I say this out loud, I think I have an explination as to why I failed that class, but got As everywhere else... Bitch hold a grudge.
A good teacher 6 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Well actually there was that one time in Chemistry where the teachers hair caught on fire, but I did that...
A good teacher 6 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
I will have you know, I am a student and not ONCE in my 12 years of schooling have I seen a teacher light themselves.
Mother feels 13 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
I'm gonna go hug my Mama, tell her I love her, and try not to weep. This one hit my in the feels
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
I'm confused as to how that supports your argument... Was this even an argument? Are we arguing? I'm so confused, I just read that post about te guy who was is own grandfather as now my brain hurts...
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Actually I take that back, depending on what part of the city. He does it in the predominantly white area, nothing happens. He does it in another area (hint hint) tomorrow's headlines read, "DEAD DUMBASS: crazy Caucasian had it comming"
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
If some jackass wants to go and wave a confederate flag in the streets of ANY city, ain't shit gonna happen.
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hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
And actually, I'd love to fly the Stars and Bars, but they aren't as popular, and therefore, harder to find cheep. Oh and also I don't have a flag pole...
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Actually down here below the Mason-Dixon, that isn't as far fetched as it sounds XD
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hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
And actually, the constitution says, "unalienable rights, endowed on them by their Creator" (yes, capital C) so you do not forfeit your rights when you riot, heck, technically you don't lose them when you go to jail for murder, you are considered a threat to other people's right to life or property, so your rights that make you dangerous are taken away
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Actually that might have been where it was... I mean, how many 50 foot rebel flags do you think there are? It's much more likely that at any given moment I have no idea what state I'm driving through. We were on our way to Florida when I fell asleep in shotgun tho...
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
Are you referring to the one in South Georgia?
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
HAHA! Yes! I've seen that in South Georgia! I actually drove past that a couple months ago and just kinda blinked twice like, "wow, South Georgia and Atlanta might as well be different states."
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
So, in summary, it is a symbol that holds different meanings for different people, just like some words! Your group of friends my have no problem with cussing, but that doesn't mean that you're gonna go and swear infront of your grandma
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
I do believe that of the south HAD won, slavery would have died out fairly quickly and much more peacefully, as it did in England. For the south to be recognized as a civilized nation by the power players of the day in Europe, that evil institution would have been removed.
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hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
See, if you asked someone from Georgia back then what country they were in and why country they were at war with, they would have said, we are in the CSA, we are fighting the USA. It was a rebellion, but who was the correct side in this conflict doesn't matter. At the end of it all, over 600,000 American men lay dead because Honest Abe was too stubborn to give Fort Sumpter over to the new Confederacy.
Topical!! 83 comments
hickorynut2 · 9 years ago
They want to remove it from out front of the capital building in SC. Taking it down wouldn't be unconstitutional, what would be unconstitutional is if te Federal Government came in and said, "no one is allowed to fly this flag anywhere" like what they do in Germany with the schwastica