Frozen ❄ 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Frozen is seriously the best movie ever.
this tho... 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I was on a carriage ride at a tourist attraction the other day, and people kept taking pictures. So, in response, I put on my best rape face. Now a bunch of tourists have pictures of horses with my rape face in the background.
Disney on ice sure is freaky 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Damn that's scary... But Dory is doing a really good Russian split jump.
mmm Maltesers 27 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry, but I'm not really liking England a lot right now because I'm getting bullied because I'm an American. :(
mmm Maltesers 27 comments
· 11 years ago
We also don't have Tangastics, Crunchies, Kindereggs, Dolly mix, and a bunch if other candies. The only great thing about living in England is getting sweets like that.
God Jul! (Comment back is you understood what i wrote..) 27 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, my nickname is Jul, so I have to assume that you're calling me a God.
Anyone else super super super excited? 52 comments
· 11 years ago
John Green was there at the filming and he said it was as accurate as possible, so there's hope. Also, there is a scene that has been released already, and it is word for word with the book.
Tumblr at it again 8 comments
Kids born in the 90s 41 comments
· 11 years ago
A lot of this was around and happened in the early 2000s too, but we always forget the 2000s kids. :(
I don’t like... 16 comments
Which fandoms are you in? 76 comments
· 11 years ago
Percy Jackson and the Olympians; she's Percy's best friend and later girl friend.
Heheh... Yeah-what no I wanted to cross the road 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I was always scared of teenagers when I was little because they seemed so mean and rude, and now that I am a teenager, I'm even more scared.
As a pizza driver, I cannot stress this enough 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Is this posted by the pizza deliverer that was wondering around my neighbourhood in the dark last night looking for my house?
That's it, moving to the UK 31 comments
· 11 years ago
This is why I get confused because I transferred from the American School system to the British and they are completely different. In the UK, the system for middle school, or Key Stage 3, is levels. They base what you're expected to get at the end if year 9 (eigth grade) by where you were at the end of Primary School. The levels go up to 8, which is normally equivalent to an A* in GCSE. In Humanities, based on what your target is, you decide what level you want to achieve in your assessment and you complete the assessment to that standard. In Music, Art, Drama, IT and DT, you are marked in how well you perform and if it meets the criteria for a certain level. In Math and Science, your grade is based in your test marks. I would say that they are more generous with levels, for instance, if you get what would be considered a D in America, you may have a high level 6 or a low level 7, which may meet your target, so you would be achieving what you were meant to.
Scumbag dog 20 comments
· 11 years ago
My dog has eaten an entire box of chocolate chip cookies, a bag of dark chocolate Hershey Kisses, and halloween candy, yet she's perfectly healthy. And before you ask, no we don't feed it to her, she steals them in the middle of the night.
Which fandoms are you in? 76 comments
Which fandoms are you in? 76 comments
· 11 years ago
Same! Although it's creeping me out that the PJO fandom ships Brason
Anybody else remember this? 29 comments
· 11 years ago
I tried to add a few Christmas Webkinz into the site back in January 2008, but it was down. I haven't been back on since.