Sail amsterdam 10 comments
· 9 years ago
http://www.telegraaf.nl/sail/24383908/__Wat_is_het_allermooiste_tallship_van_Sail_2015___.html some of the tall ships of Sail 2015. I prefer the Nao Victoria XD
Let us not forget the Dutch army during WW2 3 comments
People suffer from this 25 comments
What if you were invited to your own funeral? 15 comments
· 10 years ago
- They got an appointment with a friend, or so they think.
- And what if you, just like them, are being lured to your own funeral.?
- Your own funeral.
- funeral talk..."why did you have to go?...why you?"..."please don't speed again, I don't want to lose you" , etc etc
- Slow your friends down before it is too late
- Share this video with your friends
- And what if you, just like them, are being lured to your own funeral.?
- Your own funeral.
- funeral talk..."why did you have to go?...why you?"..."please don't speed again, I don't want to lose you" , etc etc
- Slow your friends down before it is too late
- Share this video with your friends
Snails in rain 12 comments
· 10 years ago
more of those pretty snail pictures. http://news.distractify.com/culture/arts/macro-photos-of-snails/
Most drool inducing gif ever? 5 comments
· 10 years ago
for the recipe click her website
This one deserves so much love 17 comments
This one deserves so much love 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I think this is about the cat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlett_%28cat%29 , not 100% sure tho.
Hard to believe people like this exist 44 comments
The Giant Golden Crowned Flying Fox Bat 14 comments
What your palm would look like without skin 55 comments
· 10 years ago
reminds me of "Body Worlds"..awesome exhibition!, worth seeing imo, unless your uhm sensitive ^^
A majestic black rhino 11 comments
· 10 years ago
And then there are 19 y/o cheerleaders who fill their FB with pictures of how they hunted and killed one of these protected creatures -_-
As someone who works with animals, this floors me every time 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I got 2 cats of the internet, website where people sell or give away stuff. these 2 cats, sisters, needed to go because their owner was pregnant, had to move back in with her mom bla bla...long story short, 2 weeks later I had 5 cats, 2 weeks after that, I had 11, their previous owners had failed to mention both kitties were pregnant. 2 kittens went to my parents, I managed to give 3 away n was so heartbroken after that I decided to keep the rest. 8 months later I had to put one, Fred, to sleep :((. a week after that a neighbor told me there was a kitty sitting on the corner for almost a week. I had heard meowing but thought it was one of mine. went to take a look, picked him up n took him in. this kitty, Mr Stinkert, was covered in fleas and ticks, dehydrated and very! skinny. I'm guessing it was a case of *vacation dump* as I live right at the edge of a city and at the entrance to a forest. I am not religious/spiritual or anything, but I like to think Fred showed him the way :)