

— Hock Report User
One of the most underrated actors - Hugo Weaving 9 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Honestly, none of his roles in any of those movies are oscar worthy
*grabs cop p*rn* 48 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Your argument is irrelevant and ridiculous. The facts are sound which make the obvious argument, killing a human is wrong. Does an unwanted embryo have less value than a wanted embryo. If you really believe that, you believe that a humans life is valued by what other people think of them. As stated above, a fetus is its own human from the point of conception, according to scientific ideas, not religious ones (because apparently religion inspired ethics is disgraceful). Because of that, it is not morally right to suggest that termination of ones life is acceptable and a right that should be guaranteed.
Americans explain yourself! 9 comments
hock · 8 years ago
A lot of people actually pronounce them with the same pronunciation
Thanks Obama 44 comments
hock · 8 years ago
People in california who pay taxes are paying for a 3rd of all of Californias health insurance... which, btw is a lot. The system does work if you are the poor person who needs the support(you don't have to be that poor actually...) but its very hard on those who are paying for it(middle and upper class)
Unexpected flash effect 13 comments
hock · 8 years ago
This is fake
So much for a part 2 3 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Did he find a dead raccoon, go "omg, this is great" go inside and grab his costume. Then fome back out to the dead raccon and have a friend take a pic?
Did you know? 7 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Then whats no fap November for?
Make Love, Not War 13 comments
hock · 8 years ago
The Ig Nobel Prizes are parodies of the Nobel Prizes given out each autumn for 10 unusual or trivial achievements in scientific research. They are not real nobel prizes
Not in all schools but, still, you can stop selling tinfoil hats 12 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Advanced students learn in america too, in advanced government class
NASA internet speed 27 comments
hock · 8 years ago
That's probably not accurate for regular internet usage there
Lake Tahoe is ridiculously stunning 2 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Lake Tahoe is the best lake in California
The world is destroying itself 38 comments
hock · 8 years ago
"The temperature rises potentially since years," wtf does that even mean
Quite possibly the best mug ever 4 comments
hock · 8 years ago
Daithi de nogla
sea is life 6 comments
hock · 9 years ago
That child is grossly overweight
Wutwutwut 6 comments
hock · 9 years ago
You know you want toooooo 27 comments
hock · 9 years ago
Cons: being a loser
for give me Russian, i have sinned( these are not my works but i enjoy it) 9 comments
hock · 9 years ago
Bottom left looks like Gareth Bale
Inb4 triggered 51 comments
hock · 9 years ago
We don't need any more transgenders
Chika chika 2 comments
hock · 9 years ago
Oh that's nice?