All hail the muffin king has returned! *throws assorted muffins into the crowd *
— hood Report User
Fluffy calf 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Flaffy? No wait that's mutton
Edited 6 years ago
But yeah, I should be able to write cursive 8 comments
· 6 years ago
From the time you're born until your early 20s anything made is new and interesting and you can probably make a career out of it and you can't imagine a word without these things, later 20s'-36 everything is just advances on things that have always been there, 36+ anything new is against the natural order of things and you hate it. This seems to be the common trend with people with regards to advancements
But yeah, I should be able to write cursive 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes that younger generation stat is about 5 to 12 year olds with too much access to personal information and no supervision. That and the concept of generations is stupid and pointless and i agree old people always complain about new things, and i do mean always. When paper became a mass market thing teachers complained students will never learn how to use chalk and stone tablets properly, that's not an exaggeration it happened look it up. Every group of older people will always say that younger people are stupid (they're young obviously they're stupid, you were the same you just like to think you weren't because you're more experienced now) or lazy (this happens because people always find quicker, easier ways to do things that old people hate and call lazy methods), seriously go back 1000 years and you'll still find newspapers with articles about "thr younger generation" and they all say the same damn thing, "the youth of today are lazy because X, stupid because Y, vain because Z, etc
They're still cookies 6 comments
me, you, everyone 24/7 7 comments
Technically he's not wrong 3 comments
Sign language in Italian 4 comments
· 6 years ago
People do make fun of everything but the people you know probably don't know the jokes. Example a common joke about Portuguese people in south Africa is "why are Portuguese people so bad at soccer? Because whenever they get a corner kick they open a shop"
(for context a lot of Portuguese immigrants tend to own or start small cafes or general stores and usually they set up on the corner of any given block)
Edited 6 years ago
(for context a lot of Portuguese immigrants tend to own or start small cafes or general stores and usually they set up on the corner of any given block)
Sign language in Italian 4 comments
Doing things on weekends 8 comments
· 6 years ago
My work is kinda alone at my pc so ya, still studying in university but i always give myself extra work so i can learn new things