What Emilia Clarke looks like without makeup 20 comments
Tweet of the year 71 comments
· 7 years ago
In the Catholic Church, being gay is alright, but having sex outside of marriage isn't okay. And, since the Church doesn't believe gay marriage is marriage, then it its eyes, all gay sex is extramarital sex, and therefore is sinful. That being said, the Church has also told ppl "hey don't hate on LGBTQ folks, Christ wants you to love them and also we're all sinners including all you peeps who are hating on gays so yeah" and it's up to the followers to heed the message
Now look here you little shit. 20 comments
Obviously 22 comments
· 7 years ago
No woman deserves to be raped. This is why women live in fear everyday of our lives #metoo #yesallmen
Hmmmm 81 comments
· 7 years ago
Sometimes I'll say I'm gay (I'm ace, so it's true that I'm not into guys) and sometimes I'll still get a "well I could change that" or "we'll see about that"
Merry xmas, joyeux noel, feliz natal 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Christians came from pagans. Those pagans had their own traditions and cultures that they applied to a Christian holiday. Like Dia de los Muertos -- it combines All Saints Day with native Mexican traditions. When I buy a Christmas tree, it's a symbol of the life Christ brings. What would be pagan is if I brought it into my home to worship its spirit or something. Just because the symbol is the same object, doesn't mean it doesn't have a different meaning.
Edited 7 years ago
Protect yourself 10 comments
My political views 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Most republicans don't believe in Global Warming (which is killing the planet)
Who wants to go for a ride ? 49 comments
· 7 years ago
Carbon monoxide poisoning is not fun. You throw up and suffocate. It's not just like falling asleep, it's falling unconscious bc of oxygen deprivation, which is entirely different. That being said, it doesn't matter because that's not how the machine works: it uses liquid nitrogen to replace oxygen
Edited 7 years ago
Cannot be a coincidence 10 comments
Well, you're not wrong 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Just sayin', from what I've heard, rape fantasies (where YOU are ultimately in control) and actually being raped are totally different. Read: even women with tape fantasies would never want to actually be raped.
He got "you're a great guy but ugly" zoned 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Fun fact: you can admire someone's qualities but not be physically attracted to them
I also, would like my eye removed, please 9 comments
· 7 years ago
In many states: 2 yrs therapy
1 yr hormone Tx
1 yr "true living"
Letters of rec from 2 specialists in gender psych
Proof of emotional and financial stability
1 yr hormone Tx
1 yr "true living"
Letters of rec from 2 specialists in gender psych
Proof of emotional and financial stability
I also, would like my eye removed, please 9 comments
· 7 years ago
This is a very important question in bioethics. There are no laws that say a doctor cannot amputate a healthy limb, but the doctor can refuse to do a surgery, and may not do it just because you say you want to be a pirate. This is the same way with surgical removal of the penis: no doctor ever has to do the surgery. So to answer your question: if you could find someone who would do it: yes
Edited 7 years ago
Holy shit. 14 comments
· 7 years ago
They are effective (check ncbi) but they only have to improve your vision to the legal driving limit. 20/20 vision is not often achieved and so the wearer must often settle for half that (20/40)
Shut the hell up, Tumblr 14 comments
Why I love twitter 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Honestly, I agree with the first part, but going down on a woman isn't any less work for a man.
Edit: fittest