

Cassy • 15 • Australia • Live for the embarrassing 2010 hotmail address.
hotmail Report User

So some asshole just called my friend a sl*t bc she would't give him notes for an exam GIF

So some asshole just called my friend a sl*t bc she would't give him notes for an exam

When Aquaman goes grocery shopping...

When Aquaman goes grocery shopping...

It's a study period too...

It's a study period too...

How to: Halloween Decor

How to: Halloween Decor

The card was from Typo if you want to get it for that special someone

The card was from Typo if you want to get it for that special someone

This is New Zealand when we're not looking

This is New Zealand when we're not looking

Found this at a cafe in Parramatta

Found this at a cafe in Parramatta

Classic George

Classic George

I'm in me mum's car broom broom (just jks it's a prius)

I'm in me mum's car broom broom (just jks it's a prius)

Kids keeping it real.

Kids keeping it real.