Wonder why 14 comments
· 8 years ago
We re fucking poor and diamonds are basically useless with little to no resale value at all. I tried to sell the ring my ex bought me and the jewelr literally offered me 8$ for something that cots 500$. Thats why.
Why do these people exist? 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh yeah its fucking hilarious that he was trying to be nice at all. What a bitch
Hawkgirl's advice 8 comments
And I'm completely supportive of gay rights 47 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah same i really dont want to see anyone dressed like that in public... gay or otherwise
Turn your frown upside down 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Not to defend the nasty person that stood him up, but maybe taking someone to white castle for valemtines day was a mistake? I personally love food in all its forms but some people dont
I think that the men of FS need to hear this. 35 comments
· 8 years ago
I love men, sexually and otherwise. Some of my best friends are guys. theyre almost like big brothers that i dont have and i honestly couldnt imagine someone hurting them or saying the things the internet does to them. I love my boyfriend he is amazing and he always smells like tea tree and his eyes are so blue and he makes me feel safe. Guys are pretty awesome.
When you learn how to do your makeup from youtube 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I didnt post it or say it, but i think what they meant was that she purposely makes her face darker than the rest of her body in an attempt to appear, well darker. You can see a clear example kn the above picture. And in the insta post they were going on and on about the make up trend and how its offensive to other races blah blah blah i dont remember because i didnt care too much....
When you learn how to do your makeup from youtube 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I saw another picture of her on instagram and someone commented on how she was wearing permanent "black face"
Poor momma porcupine 1 comments
· 8 years ago
Fun fact: porcupine babies have soft quills when theyre born, the quills harden in an hour or so after birth.
Edited 8 years ago