

hughrey Report User

John Oliver signing the Magna Carta (1215, colorized)

John Oliver signing the Magna Carta (1215, colorized)

Baby gorilla

Baby gorilla

Rhi-Noold m'Qh Dhi'nauld

Rhi-Noold m'Qh Dhi'nauld

Firmer entire savory

Firmer entire savory

It works

It works

Sign near Diament Jewelry at The Wharf in Washington, DC: Shop small. Screw Amazon

Sign near Diament Jewelry at The Wharf in Washington, DC: Shop small. Screw Amazon

The irony of the sign

The irony of the sign

Susan...? [oc]

Susan...? [oc]

Misguided petite high-res

Misguided petite high-res

Ripe hesitant waterproof

Ripe hesitant waterproof