

— hunk_o_junk Report User
Best dog! 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
I wonder if beginning to "look at memes on the phone" sometimes (often?) triggers an attack? Smart Boi!
Call OWL for a hoot time 10 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
"Imagine the face of the one on the right, but on the body of the one on the left! Whooo-WEEE!"
Number 4 is not a crow, but other than that which is your mood 37 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
My mood is 4...because I am also not a crow.
Anon took the right decision 9 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Many people who feel like losers in high school or college find their way afterwards. Maybe even redefine their concept of "winners" (satisfied with their lives rather than "super popular, everyone wants to be you or be your friend"). At that point, not being a rapist will be the much easier choice to live with.

Hell, it's hard to imagine regretting his decision at all, despite "loneliness."
They USED to laugh and call him names 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
...Used to.
It's a living. 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
After careful investigation .. 17 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
What's weird is that many of the same people chiming in that "Of COURSE bodily autonomy would be unquestioned" are the same ones supporting a vaccine mandate. Because, see, that's for "everyone's good."
Matrix cow edition 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
This is somewhat the way we're heading...seeking happiness via the simulation of doing things without the risk or discomfort from actually doing them.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
If there's a painfully blinding bright light, does the fact that your pupils dilated mean that you "wanted it?"
When your boss is an entitled a-hole 16 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Here's the thing. If I were the manager, I'd wait until the person was in at work and bring up the topic more like "Was anything wrong that kept you in the chair all day?" If you're sincerely interested in the person and what things might keep them from doing their job, you might find out that he was slower due to a foot injury; the fact that he actually was setting performance records would come as a pleasant surprise and you could give an "atta boy" right then.
In fact, it sounds like the person complaining should have had access to the performance metrics, and could have checked beforehand to see that there wasn't even any reason to bring up the issue. So, going right to "this will have to be dealt with" is really pissy.
The only downside of the exchange is leaving one job before you have another lined up. It makes for a less fun chat screenshot to share with the internet, but revenge *is* better served cold.
Donkeys with Lambs in their pockets 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
I wonder if those pouches are lined with something soft so the passengers are comfortable and remain placid.
Maybe lambskin...oh, wait...
Fun either way 14 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
karlboll: "Thanks, but I'm a lover not a fighter."

But you won the fight. Despite your nontraditional and controversial method, you achieved one more win than many.
Note: I'm defining "won" as "repelled someone who wanted to harm you without allowing harm to yourself or having to harm your adversary." Others may define "won" as sent someone to the hospital, but that's just not me.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
The number of times you hear misinformation about either gender's reproductive system (sometimes from an owner of such a system) tells you that the truth needs to be explained and repeated.

In fact, there are pills because the opposite of the thesis is clearly not true (absence of a b*ner indicated absence of consent).
Olga does not f*ck about 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
French Saints: Oh, she miraculously cured me of blindness!
Holy Roman Empire Saints: We prayed to that guy and he delivered us from drought!
Irish Saints: He got rid of all the snakes!
Russian Saint...
*Trying intensities* 7 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
I'm not even an introvert and this happens all the time. If I just got back from a long exciting trip and someone asks "How was your trip?" I've learned that nearly everyone wants the single sentence answer, not the actual info about any of the exciting things that happened. It's as if people need to acknowledge that they know you were on a trip, but don't want the answer to the question they asked.
Don't deserve Jared [buying wine at the movies] 7 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
-Buys a drink for someone despite him/her initially refusing
-Won't take "No" for an answer and insists on sitting next to someone

Jared is the guy that women always call a stalker and/or creeper.
Ain't I Right 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
People promoting communism seem to think that after communism is adopted, their role will still be "communist activist/influencer." Wait 'til they discover that the hammer and sickle represent industrial and agricultural LABOR.
Nicolas Ferrial aka Triboulet, a jester fit to die of old age 8 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
He didn't starve because after a few days of people sawing at his neck, that's what killed him. But, it was such a prolonged and tortuous way to go, that "he died a very old man indeed." He didn't expire of natural old age, as we normally construe "die of old age."
True 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Then the United States would leave in a hurried panic, leaving behind all sorts of valuable resources to be used by the the United States, at the expense of the United States' taxpayers.
Self defense rush!!!!!! 16 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Not all Americans own firearms. In fact, I'll bet not even a majority do. Most people rely on the "fingers crossed" method. If you think about it, it's better for people who won't get trained in the use of firearms to not have them.
Nicolas Ferrial aka Triboulet, a jester fit to die of old age 8 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
In the novel "Shogun," The Samurai who became Shogun sentenced his rival to die of old age. That rival was buried up to his neck, there was a bamboo saw nearby, and passersby were allowed to take a saw at his neck. He died eventually, a very old man indeed.
oops 10 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
A sign of things to come.
R34 of a raccoon? Np. 7 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
My house had an encyclopedia. There was certainly a photo of a racoon in it.
Funny hat though? Forget about it.
A tale of two nations 12 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Nobody else likes basketball (Massachusetts 1891) or volleyball (Massachusetts 1895)?
Pls no hurt me 10 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
One example is how the Irish-British tension in Northern Ireland usually is described as "Catholic-Protestant" conflict. But, it's really between the Irish who believe the British are interlopers seizing Irish land, and British who believe they colonized land that was obtained far in the past and it's no longer Irish. The Irish and British are culturally Catholic and Protestant. But, the struggle gets painted as religious.

If you read quotes from Hitler, he was decidedly anti-Christian, despite people assigning some religious connotation to him because his mom took him to church as a child. Stalin and Pol Pot were some more atheists who didn't do much for atheists' reputation as peace-loving.