

— hunk_o_junk Report User
Ouch 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
I'm pretty sure my neighbor is an Indiana University fan and her husband is an Ohio State fan. I mean, there are red flags.
books 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
You're don't find "He tore the flimsy bodice from her heaving breasts, while she stifled a scream, or was it a moan?' in a book written by a man.
"Cortana, what the hell are we looking at?" 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Those idiots didn't know he was *Master Chief* Halo, who had to find the ring, etc.
Checkmate 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
"Hello, God? Ahhh yes. I have a $10,000,000 (Ten Million USD) treasure which we cannot now spend due to the political situation in my country, and I will share with you if you will but give me your bank account number to facilitate the transfer..."
Powdered p*ssy 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Attempted to put a cat in the state of "plasma," but only succeeded in achieving the "gaseous" state.
Did you know humans can drink seawater through their butt? 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Grolak: So, some humans organize themselves into a fantastically loyal one-direction symbiotes, and they become happier or sadder depending on the results of a game of skill.
Blorgdork: Yeah, we know. They paid to attend the same educational institute, and their loyalty is placed there.
Grolak: No...not even. For some reason, people who were never even *in* the city which is the home to that "university" adopt that characteristic. Have you used the viewer to observe the Indiana group participate in the game of bouncing-sphere-in-net? Or the Notre Dame squadron participate in the running-and-kicking-oval-ball activity?
We do a little pandering 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
OK then...let them show their bravery by not editing ANY of the versions.
Fun fact 7 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Having designed certain products, sure there were cheaper ways to do it. BUT...the specification required the product to work after five minutes immersion under 10 inches of water, work after exposure to a salt water mist and subsequent drying, a drop onto concrete from a height of 45 inches, and rigorous testing and statistical analysis to show that the validation testing would meet the specs (only some listed above) over a 15 year life. Under life-or-death battle conditions after years of use, I hope that X-Box controller still works.
nyom 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
A hippopotamus
Bit my bottomus.
The Adventures of Bayou Billy 12 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Maybe. But I can also see that if my wife wouldn't believe me over a seven-year-old, plus there wouldn't be any real evidence (because it never really happened), it would be a "deal breaker."
Oh noes .. 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
There's an entire genre of...errr..."Japanese Literature" devoted to that...
A work of smart 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
"I lied to her bout something. How can I dig this hole even deeper?"

I think about that every time someone lies to impress a potential date...if the relationship starts going anywhere, then at some point you have to admit that there was a big lie at the beginning, and maybe even that was the initial attraction which means the relationship was FOUNDED on a lie. Or, the relationship goes nowhere and there was no reason to lie in the first place.

Think about George Costanza claiming to be a Marine Biologist.
Florida Man strikes again! 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
What a jerk. I hope the authorities don't come over and rub him out. But maybe from his point of view, it can't be beat.
Seriously, Japan. WTF?! 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
There's a culture in Japan that likes to invent wacky things just to have an outlet for "out of the box thinking." Most of that stuff stays one-off as kind of a project or hobby.

I recall a list of that stuff, and the most memorable item was "6-Day Underpants." It had three leg holes, and each day you gave it a third of a turn, then on day 4 turned them inside out and repeated the process.
If he says so 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Arguing with someone at my 120th birthday part over how I got that old in perfect health with complete mobility, where the other guy is saying it's thanks to my vast wealth, and me saying it was thanks to the prodigious amount of bourbon and beer I could consume.
You hit the ground running 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Doubly appropriate, because that's the generation where EVRYBODY is an All-Star.
Red flags 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
1. Pretty creepy, so he's lucky to have gotten outta there.
2. You'd think a journalist would know that there are some thoughts you can have, but you shouldn't put in writing, and you REALLY shouldn't make available publicly.
heh 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
If you wouldn't discourage a daughter from liking tractors, and even encourage that, isn't it sexist to *not* encourage your son to like whatever he gravitates to?
I'm grateful to have been born when I was 24 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Sorry, not going to read a reply in *12* parts.
Came across this magazine in my dad's attic. Think it's worth much? 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Weird scenes inside the gold mine.
Turn the thermostat down! 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
I noticed that once the kids bought their own bags of snacks, I didn't have to remind them to seal up the bag so that they didn't get stale.
I'm grateful to have been born when I was 24 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
I see a lot of what's tagged as "anti-science" as actually being "anti-bad-science."

Example--"Global Warming has been *proven*." Well, "scientific proof" requires experimental confirmation, which can't happen. The same with evolution.

We may believe that science "indicates" some conclusion, but we often used "proved" incorrectly. That opens the door to an argument about the scientific method and not about the thing that was the original topic. It also doesn't help that we hear "trust the science" from someone who earlier or later doesn't go by the science but by emotion. For example, Kamala Harris said that she would never take a COVID vaccine during the previous administration, but was on the side of forced vaccinations under her own administration.
So people can stop b*tching about how they don’t know how to do this stuff 24 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Here's a thought I try to float with new coworkers that I think might be approachable and open to the thought:
-It's better to get 401k matching money and pay off your college loans slower than to miss the matching to pay extra towards the loans. Reason--After the loan is paid off, no matter how much "extra" you then put into the 401k, you won't get more matching than the max amount.

Sometimes, they are not only NOT paying more than the loan repayment minimum, but also aren't putting money into the 401k. "I need a bunch of new furniture" or "After years of driving a crappy car I need to buy a new one, and the salesman said I qualify for XYZ amount of a loan."

If you can't be interested enough to accept the "free money" of the 401k match, having taken a class in high school wouldn't have made a difference.
So people can stop b*tching about how they don’t know how to do this stuff 24 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
Several of those could each be covered in an article (in a magazine, or online)...and are!

Taxes: Get all the documents showing how much money you got last year, add the amounts on the appropriate lines on the form as directed by that form. Notice how things work "at the margin," that is, you may have paid 8% in taxes but the last dollar you earned might have been taxed at 24%. Also, there's a list of things that give you a tax deduction now (IRA, 403b, 401k) and some that you pay taxes on now but whose growth is tax free later (Roth). Some things are taxed at a lower rate (capital gains vs. earned income). There's a LOT more to know, but it wouldn't be covered in a high school class (Real Estate, small business).

Money Management: Step 1: Spend less than you earn. The rest doesn't matter if you can never tell yourself "no" to buying stuff that "you deserve."

Credit Rating: Pay all debts, pay them on time, paying interest does not improve your rating.

No class needed!
The ideal specimen 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 2 years ago
That employee...uhhhh...finds a way.