

— hunk_o_junk Report User
The Imcredibles was Incredible 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I think the point is: Yes, we'll go because it's our kid, but this event shouldn't even be taking place.
Another Christmas as the last unmarried in my family 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
The heartbreak should the photo one year be missing one of the other four...
"sign looks good boss, let's call it a day" 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
But just one "Anna's?"
Nah it'll be fine 21 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Be Gay Do Crime! 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Most old time artists didn't know any Middle East people, and figured they looked like the people around them.

Some explorers came back from Africa, and described the Rhino that they saw as a horse with a horn, and artists started painting Unicorns.
I got Buffy 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Sam and Dean for sure. In addition to great protection from shape-changers/demons/devils/demigods/vampires/pirates/vampirates/etc., I'd like to find out:
-How do you stay so buff subsisting on hamburgers, junk food and beer?
-How do you keep that old Impala running and in pristine condition (and almost always cleaned and waxed)?
Boss move 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
In excruciatingly boring meetings, I would set my phone alarm for three minutes. Then when it went off, look at the phone and dart out of the room.
For Cakelover 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Well, the road looks frosted...
Daily Nichijou meme #1738 9 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Maybe if "sooo many rants about the new format smell like fucking racism," it's because some see *everything* through a racist lens that shows everything to be racism.
Wholesome 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
For any of the rescuers, this is one of the occasions where it's OK for a manly man to cry.
Five going on fifty 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I used to do that with my dad.
thump thump thump 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Of the microscopic amount of Fine Arts that I remember, the one is pointing upwards with lofty aspirations, and the other is indicating to remain grounded in the practical ways of improving the human condition.
What's the real problem with the show. Can someone help me figure it out? 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
The producer takes the heat because that's who has ultimate charge over the writing, plot, etc.
I don't get payed enough 9 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Was subjected to that the first time I ever went to a Waffle House (1993).
Optimus Austen 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Even when young, my kids would recognize an Elvis Presley impersonation. They had never actually seen or heard Elvis, but knew what he sounded like and that he said "Thank you. Thank you very much" a lot. They figured that out, partly from Elvis impersonators, but mainly from people joking about or referencing Elvis impersonators.
This neon sign has a strong accent 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
That's a funny meme, init?
That's actually pretty horrifying 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I thought I was going to be non-plussed at this meme, but ended up just being plussed.
Absolute Legends 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
What a mashup, and a great use of this coincidence.
Tasty 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Reminds me of the joke:
Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a chicken about to be scooped up by a hawk?
A: The chicken clucks defiance.
Dont hunt childrens 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Better to stir the emotions than get your facts straight.
Have some complementary ritalin 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
It's weird how we make jokes about how bad government-provided lunches are, and the poor quality of government-provided education, but we want government-provided health insurance.
This is low effort, but I am very happy 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Looks like you were...right on target.

Wake. Up 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
After the next election. There'll be a lot of it.

Oh, I meant "sniffling." And crying, too.
Do not mess with Gurkhas 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
If that had happened in the US:
-"What sexism to *assume* that she needed saving just because she's FEMALE!"
-"Did he affirm her gender choice first, or just assume a gender based on appearance?"
-"How supremacist of him to not consider that some of his opponents came from oppressed minorities."
-"Did he not respect the NO WEAPONS policy of public transport?'

Not to mention those that would need to know his politics before deciding if his actions are good or bad.
advice? 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago

On the good side, she makes me eggs and bacon for after the workout.