

— hunk_o_junk Report User
Perfect day 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
On one hand: This isn't all that funny, is it?
On the other hand: This is the only one that made me snort today, hence the upvote.
Fact check: true 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
One other aspect: If a guy shares some vulnerability or embarrassment with his GF or wife, and it gets brought up as ammunition in a future argument, he's going to (eventually) learn his lesson.
Whew, almost had to deal with the consequences of my own actions there 18 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I've only read about 40% of guest's myriad of posts, but I think the main idea was missed: The residents of Martha's Vineyard were bragging about how they were a "sanctuary city," but only until it was time to actually give anybody sanctuary. Then they couldn't get rid of sanctuary-seekers fast enough.

It's a shame people were used as pawns, but it's interesting when people won't make good on any portion of their boasting and virtue signaling.
Pro tip 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
That actually makes sense, though, besides the "show me some ankle" mentality.
What guys think looks sexy: Girl in a bikini and heels, maybe girl in lingerie or Princess Leia Slave outfit
What girls think looks sexy: Guy in a really well fitted suit, maybe tie askew.

(Note: *Mostly* true, not 100% of the time for 100% of the people.)
Inhale exhale 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Press F 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
"I just HAD to go to my dream college, and went into massive debt for this degree that doesn't lead to any job someone would pay me to do, but everybody else had is so much easier than do."


"My dad met my mom at a church/school activity, but I can't meet a special someone no matter HOW many clubs I go to or a$$#01es I eat."
Powerful kitty 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
My cat was really proud of his "catch." He brought a mouse upstairs from the basement, already in a mousetrap!
It’s just some light radiation 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Comrade 1: "8125 degrees...not great, but not terrible."
Comrade 2: "How high does the temperature gage go?"
Comrade 1: "8125 degrees."
Freedomn't 9 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
This is how things are now. Stuff that is racist, but is racist going the "right way," gets called non-racist.
Mid nineties internet was really nice 11 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I was *RIGHT*!!! When I saw that there were nine comments, I guessed that eight would be from "guest."
Lemmy make your art better 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I think it's the bass player from Spinal Tap.
The rumors were true 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
So....Ash died and took Pikachu with him?
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Boys on January, girls in February 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Semi-monthly means twice a month.
· Edited 1 year ago
The crows knows 10 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
His only friends were some birds, and a person named ROBIN?
Anon takes his sport seriously 13 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
"In front of my boys"

A good Wing Man would've gone up with him, and blocked the shot (foul or not, no basket = date).
He's just like me fr fr 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Can't find a nice lady eagle, but still going through the motions.
That be bit short 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I can see men wanting to donate. Luckily, the sperm bank has the solution at hand.
Fact check: true 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
There are a lot of things men don't share with acquaintances and coworkers. They might share those things with friends or someone who has experience that could help, but keep personal details just between true friends who are concerned, and not everybody who is merely curious.
It's plane to see 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
"What did one plane said to the other plane?
Can I crash at your place?"
It's actually really funny 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I checked imdb (from having been tricked a few times by real seeming jokes), and not only is this a real movie, there's a Velocipastor 2.
My new band name .. 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Non illegitimi carborundum.

Irrumabo circuitu et quæramus.
It is 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
No question! Some university degrees have no payoff for the time, money and effort put in.

Back when I was deciding what to major in, I had to go to the local public library to look through several-year-old books and year-or-two-old periodicals to see what job prospects were and normal starting and mid-career income levels were for he fields I was considering. Today, current information is available on your phone. So why do so many people fail to look into that? I've seen a few who just majored in what they liked studying, and did not consider how that might enable or affect their eventual careers.
Interesting .. 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Among several errors that the "Folks" in the post make in using the Catholic Church's ordinances as "Truth," they might also notice that fish is permissible on Fridays during lent, and fish are definitely "alive." The "giving up meat" thing is just a small inconvenience that's meant to remind those following it about the actual sacrifice made on their behalf.
I know from personal experience 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
You get in the dog house when you do precisely what your wife said, but that wasn't what she really meant.
Moah ha ha! 5 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Adam's first job was to name all the animals. Eve came along after that. So, the "two life forms" line doesn't make sense.