

— hunk_o_junk Report User
Do we even deserve librarians 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 36 weeks ago
Trivia: Bookkeeper is the only word in the English language with three successive sets of double letters.
Nice 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 36 weeks ago
For a minute, I thought the guy on the left was trying to get me to look a the circle made with his thumb and pointer finger so he could punch me in the know, as "an American thing" that Japanese would think is cool, like other Americana such as blue jeans, hamburgers and princesses being served cake.
The void is busy today 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 39 weeks ago
Mine demands a lamb-based food called "Lamburghini."
He he he 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 42 weeks ago
Quel domage!
I'm noticing a trend in my life 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 42 weeks ago
If you have ever worked at a company where there are "pool cars" to be checked out for use when traveling on the company, the people (usually women) who control access to the company cars are the sourest of all the people you'll have to interface with.
bank 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 43 weeks ago
Alternate take: Investing is not that difficult. But, if you want to be *paid* to do it for someone else, you need to appear to have abilities others don't possess.
Works the same way with abortions 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 43 weeks ago
That reminds me of how some corporate misconduct occasionally has a monetary penalty that's less than the amount they got. Like Wells-Fargo paying a fraction of the money that they screwed some customers out of by steering them to higher loan amounts.
Across the pond 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 48 weeks ago
Does he have to fly on the other side of the road or something?
A joke 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 49 weeks ago
This is suppose to b a joke because it's really "over the top." But, my Twitter feed has been full of videos from TikTok where people do even stupider things than that. Apparently, this gets the person TikTok followers and views, which is what they're going for.
Happy sunday yall! 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 51 weeks ago
I think it's the terrible logic that ruins this sentiment. Very few of us would extend his logic to beating one's spouse, that is, "my religion prevents me from beating my spouse so I don't, but I won't impose my morality on others." So, we have there be laws that arrest and jail abusers.
But they sure trust engineering. 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 51 weeks ago
Is this meme referencing people who believe in the efficacy of vaccines (like for polio) that are good for life, but don't trust the efficacy of vaccines that require continual boosters and the value of ones whose side effects were covered up?
I would watch the heck out of this 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Imagining being a fly on the wall in this classroom, where some students are worried about the grade they'll get due to all this fooling around:
Student reading miscellaneous character: "What if we should fail?"
"Lady" Macbeth: "Screw your courage to the sticking place, and we'll not fail!"
We found a flaw in the system 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Huh. I suppose a deer rifle is just a chemically assisted thrower of metal pebbles.
rerolls 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
In that belief system, you only "move up" if you've led a good life, right? If you were self-absorbed, vain, conceited, prideful or materialistic, you "move down," don't you? *Trying* to move to a wealthier station in life is just proof of selfishness and materialism.

Taking a look around, I really wonder how many people are in line for a better situation than what they've got. Plus, the ones really deserving of a "promotion" are probably the ones thinking "I can help so many more needy people from my spot among them than from some ivory tower" (e.g., Mother Teresa).
Move it! 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
As a salary worker in a union factory--
-Mornings on the way in: Stuck behind dawdling workers "Whatsa matter? You in a hurry?"
-Afternoons on the way out: "Get outa the way, slowpoke!"
Yeah ok 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Interesting side-wrinkle: When people choose a name from an active series, but then that character becomes really dislikeable but the kid's too old to change the name.
Bring the pitchforks 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I bought a used HP printer in an unknown state of functionality. I figured that it would be worth the cost of aftermarket ink cartridges to see if it even worked. The printer knew that the ink cartridges weren't genuine HP ones, and refused to work. Checking HP's web site, that's because they don't want me unsatisfied with the pint quality due to potentially inferior aftermarket ink cartridges. They don't seem to mind that I'm extremely unsatisfied for a different reason.
"There is another" 6 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Rewatching all the '70s and '80s English TV shows, which really go out of their way at the beginning and end to say they're from the BBC.
If this is the case, women have good taste 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Tip of the day: 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
That makes me quack up. Every flockin' time.
Are you ok Annie 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
He he.
"I was The Thing all along" -The dog 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
I went to see a sequel with another couple, and the wife had never seen the first movie. She kept asking her husband "Who is that?" and "Why's he doing that?" I wanted to crawl into a hole until the people behind her "shushed" her.
History is repeating itself 4 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
"Tiger Shot For Acting Like A Tiger."
Yeah, basically 11 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
Counterpoint: Someone initiates a conversation with you by saying "Hey, sup?" Then you text three or so lines waiting for a reply, which finally comes eight hours later. I get your point, but there's hardly a relationship to end when the dialog is 98/2 or 99/1.
Oh dear 3 comments
hunk_o_junk · 1 year ago
It would've been better if they'd have quantified the claim, like "Reduces Cannibalism 78%!"