

hunk_o_junk Report User
Jittery opt-in lasting 1 comments
hunk_o_junk · 11 hours ago
But no track suit?

Or is that the Serbians that do that?
Guy Whidden getting a Mohawk the day before D-Day. He’s doing it again to bring joy to 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 11 hours ago
One guy's story: When he landed, he hit hard and unbeknownst to him, the bottoms of the pockets of his ammo belt broke due to the jarring landing, and all his magazines fell out. Same story for the magazine in his carbine...the bottom broke out and his ammo spilled out. So, off he went to defeat the Third Reich with only the round in the carbine's chamber.

I hope I'm not confusing his story with another guy, but IIRC, he ended up getting captured, then he escaped, then he ended up fighting with one of our allies' troops (maybe the Soviets) for a while before he could get back to the American front.
Guy Whidden getting a Mohawk the day before D-Day. He’s doing it again to bring joy to 2 comments
hunk_o_junk · 11 hours ago
The guys that got Mohawk haircuts were the Pathfinders. They jumped into Normandy on June 5/6 1944 to set up directional beacons to guide the gliders with troops for the June 6 D-Day invasion.

Imagine...being 19 or 20 or so, jumping by yourself onto a continent controlled by an enemy that many feel will win the war. You've got your carbine, a couple mags of ammo, a beacon and a job to do with dozens of men counting on you for the success of their mission, and maybe their lives. If you don't pull this off, the invasion may fail, and there won't be enough men, materiel, or possibly the will to try again.

No surprise those guys got a little wacky on D-Day minus 1!