Ricky Wong


Ricky Wong Report User
Cat pancake 2 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
It looks kinda like Pusheen
Why is this not a thing all over the world? 8 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Not too sure if this is true for other Asian countries, but in Hong Kong, there are old ladies collecting recyclables like plastic and whatnot to sell for money.
This would probably benefit them the most as the Government funding isn't too great if I recall correctly.
Nasty af 10 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Those robots (Aliens?) in the picture look kind of terrifying
Relationship goals 7 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
I think it's because of the camera flash being in some and not in others
Moving to Canada? 4 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
The drawing is pretty decent, I'll give them that
How can we move forward when there are people still holding us back? 57 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Princessmonstertru, your comment literally sounds like something a politician would say.
Major life struggle 3 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Them eyebrows.
Sorry, I've been looking at pictures of men's eyebrows all day.
Cops in Italy 20 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
I volunteer
I just spit my drink 8 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Not all heroes wear capes, Christopher Lucas everyone 12 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Yep, can confirm that walk in freezers open from both inside and out.
However, a likely explanation is that because he needed to get as many people in as possible, he wanted to override the "lock" if that sort of makes sense?
When you close a freezer door and you try to immediately open it again, cause of air pressure equalising or something, it sticks there.
Potentially life threatening in this situation.
It just makes no sense 9 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
In my college, we use Outlook365 and you can search people's names and their student email will pop up.
Not really the same I guess, but it's an option? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Toy story 3 leaks 5 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
So I saw a cute story while browsing le web and I thought I would share it with you 25 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Easier cleanup ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also because not all showers have proper temperature control and hot water makes it clump together.
Nerdy guys 20 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
But who doesn't like the one on the right though X__X
Not easy at all 18 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
You can find strings by typing in scooby strings/gimp string/plastic string into eBay or Amazon.
Experience 7 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Aren't you supposed to go through work experience anyway in secondary/high school?
At least, that's what they do in the UK.
You pick a field you're interested in, and go find out how their stuff works.
Vegan popsicles 16 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
They're usually made from fruit juice.. But they could be made out of milk, like milk coating or chocolate coatings & stuff
I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! 5 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! 5 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
I'm excited for it, but it's quite survival-esque.
And they got rid of the hearts in bushes thing.
My heart is with Orlando :( 11 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Yeah, and she's in pretty hot water cause she didn't think to inform police, and even drove him to get ammunition.
What's next? 21 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
oH I thought it was Coraline
Wireless headphones disconnected 8 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
They should all do that. When the bluetooth is turned off from wireless headphones or they die, it just pauses
Big head 8 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Me trying to revise for my exams
Tip-toe to the finish 5 comments
icyquiet · 8 years ago
Oh, nice!
It's been all over the internet in little snippets without mentioning her name