

— igotzapped Report User
All hail Cthulhu 2 comments
igotzapped · 3 years ago
True, but correlation does not necessarily mean causation
Phil coming through with a smack 10 comments
igotzapped · 3 years ago
I'm no genetics expert, but 1.7 percent of a population sounds pretty rare to me. Maybe not exceedingly rare, but rare enough
Bones are wet? Ima rope 29 comments
igotzapped · 3 years ago
On a more serious note, apparently a convicted cannibal (Armin Meiwes) said that human meat tastes like pork!
Bones are wet? Ima rope 29 comments
igotzapped · 3 years ago
On a more serious note, apparently a convicted cannibal (Armin Meiwes) said that human meat tastes like pork!
For what? 10 comments
igotzapped · 3 years ago
And that's the problem
B3ans?? 8 comments
igotzapped · 3 years ago
I'm offended
Historically speaking .. 14 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
I completely agree with all of that. I am a huge fan of Vic Mignogna and was appalled by what happened to him, as with all your other examples. Ultimately, there is no justifying any actions of the twitter mob.
Historically speaking .. 14 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
The problem is that it had moved past equality and is now venturing into retribution territory. Except it's against people who believe in equality and haven't actually done any of the heinous crimes from the past
Keep it breezy 6 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
I was going to say, that seems like a very midwest phenomenon! I knew a kid in high school that wouldn't wear pants unless it hit the single digits... he had pants but just didn't like them. It's strange.
Ambient rampant roused Cheetah 5 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Gotta love Chris Ray Gun
YouTube 18th-century cooking enthusiast and all-around wholesome dude, Jon Townsend 3 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
An absolutely wonderful channel, I love the candied fruit peel recipe, and he is just super relaxing! The sit down and talk videos he's been making have been different, but an entirely welcome change of pace!
Awsome unwary clammy Cheetah 2 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Sir, I regret to inform you that your blanket has teeth
Good luck debating a master debater 11 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Not that I'm aware of, however the technology is already there, pre-built into your phone. It's commonplace for search warrants to be issued for your phone data in an investigation, which include everything from your search history to where you have been, via satellite and GPS. Hell, its how Google maps works, it pings your cell phone location and depending on how many signals there are in a given spot, gives you the traffic data. It's not that everyone WANTS to know every bit of information on a person, but the capability is there.
Good luck debating a master debater 11 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
I was about to say that we have essentially microchipped ourselves with smartphones, but you covered that!
Sleepless comparable Goldfish 12 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Science should always be questioned, and always be challenged. That is how we move forward. However, evidence should not be ignored simply because you disagree with it.
It's Wednesday, and Terry's here again 5 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Terry is the best of aquatic friends!
Inception 7 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Water or juice helps with that for me at least. If I'm hungry, that will take the edge off the nausea long enough for me to get some food, and if I'm nauseous, well, now I know that I'm not just hungry!
Don't Forget the Biomeds! 4 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Thanks! Yeah, I really feel bad for the micro department at the hospital I work at! They just got their rapid pcr machine validated and are taking off the ordering restrictions for doctors so its going to be a mess! Thankfully I'm just a generalist so I don't have to deal with that every day!
Don't Forget the Biomeds! 4 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
And us lab workers for running and resulting all the tests!
Tax the unpopular 5 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so close to the truth
All the 96 born, unite! 8 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
I have always wondered if I would be considered a millennial or gen z, but I guess I just don't exist!
Pathetic 1 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Wrex, what did they do to you?
PCR tests in a nutshell 1 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
Although I get the joke, its really frustrating as a laboratory worker to see PCR testing as the end all be all. PCR is a very sensitive test, which is why it causes so many erranous results when used for screening. It is so absurdly easy to contaminate the swabs with mucous, which is where viruses and bacteria are supposed to get stuck, so you don't get sick, or for it to pick up latent virus if you had been infected and never knew, never passed it on, and never got sick. It is supposed to be used as a supplement to bolster a diagnosis, not necessarily screen for one. Both PCR and antigen tests (which I personally find to be the better option) have their drawbacks. But people need to always be looking critically at science, because it is just that: science. Its not gospel, and it is not always 100% right. And if anyone ever tells you that a process can't be improved upon, they are lying to you.
No sense berating a "dead" horse 10 comments
igotzapped · 4 years ago
I have never met a horse that wasn't a drama queen!