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The never ending library! 6 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
The end is right there
Yeah eric 12 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
He asked her again, not taking her first answer of no. That’s not good even if he did agree later
Marcheline Bertrand, Angelina Jolie’s mother 10 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
The lightning in the first picture means it gives a kind of Voldemort vibe
Ych a fi! 8 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
It was a glitch but I’m glad it happened for that pun now
Ych a fi! 8 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
For a second I thought this comment was in Welsh
Ych a fi! 8 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
For a second I thought this comment was in Welsh
Someone please remind me.. 11 comments
illflyifiwantto · 6 years ago
I once forgot what they were called so ended up calling them circley things
Earth-a big potato 5 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
That is just very wrong
Yes I remember 16 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
That episode is too good to be put into words
Scared, Potter? Don't be; I'll be gentle 5 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
*are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs?
This is the group that gets blamed for most of the changes in today's society. 24 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Generations and their names are completely arbitrary and meaningless though, I think this post highlights that pretty well too
Hey James! Can you please do your thing 5 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Why do people keep asking him for help
Eye color 14 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Woah look at that @miniegg my eyes are super rare especially for a man
First time wearing high heels be like 7 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
You'll be smitten
Pretty much anything 4 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
I got BOXES full of Pepe!!
Mirage or Product Placement 9 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
I watched this movie countless times as a kid and I never picked up on this joke, kids are dumb! It's also weird to see it somewhere else, I've never come across anyone else who's heard of it
Mo'ai and Orion 7 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Orion only visible in the northern hemisphere and Easter island is in the Southern Hemisphere?
Ladies? 11 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
"Hey when did this thing happen?"
"Yeah I know it's because of time but whe-"
Time. The answer is time
Some Friendly Neighbors Just Having a Boop 2 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Being alive IS heckn swell
everything is grey 6 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Actually dogs see in blues and yellows so they see in colours but just less colours
Look at the red stripes 12 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Why can't you be more symmetrical like old glory?
S q u i s h 5 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
Why are the first and last comments under different usernames? It might just be down to something I don't understand about tumblr
Just a tip 61 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
I think you may be onto something, this doesn't solve anything on either side and unfortunately neither of us are probably going to change each others minds. Also I'm bored so I think I'm done, bye
Just a tip 61 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
@tj sorry but that's just how all of this came across to me and I hope you can see from the length of my comment that I wasn't trying to use that word as a cover-all argument and @pokethebear can I ask where you got that statistic? And if it is true I believe it could indicate some other issues like I said before
Just a tip 61 comments
illflyifiwantto · 7 years ago
And yes the article does point out that more crimes take place in "black neighbourhoods" but I think this is indicative of a larger issue in itself. I also have a theory that more black people could be accused of these crimes while the actual numbers are more even than they seem. The article also cites a study that confirms that 'there was “no relationship” between crime rates by race and racial bias in police killings.' There are many more quotes that quite clearly and strongly go against what you're saying so I'm not really sure why you think this article supports your strange and slightly bigoted views.