Just a tip 61 comments
· 7 years ago
Regarding your first article, you are aware that there are numerous points arguing against you in it right? First of all, when factoring in the other races in the raw numbers they present, more non-white people are killed than white people. The example presented at the beginning of the article is admittedly very tragic but I would like to point out that it does seem there was reasoning between the police officers actions; I remember hearing reports on black children being shot by police for seemingly absolutely no reason. Obviously the ideal situations would be no shootings at all but that doesn't seem to be what this discussion is about. Furthermore, the article goes on to explain why even though it seems more white people are killed, the acts against black people are still a major issue (again obviously the whole situation is a massive issue) but I'm sure you know this as you are the one who posted the article. (tbc)
And You Don't Even Notice It 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Is the shadowiness of his umbrella meant to represent that he's not actually protecting her? Like he wants to and he thinks he is but he's not and it's just making things worse because he can't protect either of them. It may not be what you were going for but I think it's an interesting take
What starts with _ and ends with _ 2 comments
· 7 years ago
When I read the first sentence I thought "piano!" so I lost immediately…
Life is full of questions 15 comments
Just for kids 3 comments
Well that escalated quickly 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I always find it funny that when people do parodies or whatever of Netflix and chill they make it rhyme with a sexy word but since when does Netflix rhyme with chill and since when does chill mean sex?
Happy Birthday you magnificent man. 7 comments
Forget Waldo, Where's Your Fandom? 23 comments
Just keep swimming 5 comments
f*ck you Emma 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Here's the first one: https://m.funsubstance.com/fun/259854/get-it-together-emma/ I posted it a while ago. Also I hope it's a series because I love them (and that your username is appropriate)
I got more respect for Tom Holland 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't remember exactly but something like nobody would want to be in it, sorry it was just meant to be a little joke
I got more respect for Tom Holland 4 comments
Malaphors for the win 3 comments
I miss the old memes 8 comments
Gluten makes your d*ck fly off 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I think it's a combination of there being more people in general, more options available for gluten free people to eat (my mum can't eat gluten and trust me we really struggled to find stuff but now there's loads of options) and people treating it like a healthy diet thing that make it seem like loads of people suddenly have it
I wonder who would buy it 7 comments
Y-M-SEA-A 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Now I'm hanging out backstage with my very best friends Alec Baldwin and Tom Petty