"Mask" By Shel Silverstein ((One Of My Favourites)) 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I love this poet
When I found out medical interns are expected to pull 24-hour shifts 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Alright does anyone notice creep dude in the yellow chilling behind him?
Puppeh, wat r u doin?, Puppeh, STAHP 6 comments
So Much Respect 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Why don't you go fuck yourself cocky ass all I was doing was suggesting my belief on it to others but yet again I can't express myself on this site without someone being an asshole so fine fuck it
everyone loves bunnies....right??? 11 comments
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
I conquer so much with this I am a girl and guys are expected so much from women. It's society and honestly women are never happy. If we were truly treated like guys we would be like oh well maybe that sexist thing about how a girl should want to be treated like a
Disney princess isn't so sexist and how Disney princesses are just a guys sexfied fantasy is actually a mans vision of how a woman is a princess and should be treated like one. This is why I really don't like girls -_-
Disney princess isn't so sexist and how Disney princesses are just a guys sexfied fantasy is actually a mans vision of how a woman is a princess and should be treated like one. This is why I really don't like girls -_-
So Much Respect 19 comments
· 11 years ago
It would be the first time in scientific history for the building to possibly collapse In a matter if seconds from a plane the building was built to outstand a variety of things ESPECIALLY a plane crash so how did it collapse so quickly without some type of bomb and also why did they have an increase of practice emergency exits from the buildings just a few weeks before and also why did they keep all types of bomb sniffing dogs out of the building the week it happend and also why are there people who survived being in the building who claim that they heard a series of bombs going off why don't you think outside you conformist little boxed in mind in which society has led you to believe that what the government tells you in a disaster that is to hard to believe the truth in which the government was involved can be because of the greed of the people who run our country you can get pissy and mad and thing in ignorant but ignorance comes for those who do not consider the alternatives
So Much Respect 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Im a girl and maybe you should look into it. The facts are there and it's the government they keep secrets and if anyone tried to tell they probably were taken away by the government before it happend. There is so many facts that don't add up. I know it seems crazy but just look into it please.
So Much Respect 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Exactly but the whole thing was about money and the government having a reason for us to go to war. Our government killed innocent people and destroyed the lives of the families who suffered from their loses because they are greedy and one day the truth will be known but for now it won't and when people do find out things will change and I can't say for better or worse because what is a country without a government to respect nothing it's nothing
So Much Respect 19 comments
· 11 years ago
The government was the reason 9/11 happend I don't care who downvotes or whatever but if you do enough research it was scientifically impossible for the metal in the buildings to melt so quickly to make the buildings fall like they did from a plane crash it burned down so quickly like it did because someone has planted bombs there please do your research on this because it's not what you think
You lucky souls who can't install Flappybird anymore 6 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't have it installed and honestly please don't kill me with the downvotes but honestly I never really played it more than once and.. I ... Thought... It was... Stupid.. *runs and hides in closet*
Forever alone 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Math is like a child. It's stressful. Hard to understand and has imaginary numbers just like a child has imaginary friends.
Some shower entertainment 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Obviously because she will be so busy trying to get shampoo out of that awkwardly shaped bottle ? What else would she be doing ?
Apologizing makes everything better 4 comments
Still a better love story than twilight 10 comments
I'm sorry but I found this kinda funny 14 comments