Giannis Antekounmpo's hand 12 comments
· 10 years ago
They then say "wow you probably have a really big dick"
Edited 10 years ago
What Happens After You Die? 25 comments
What Happens After You Die? 25 comments
For once that paperclip was helpful I guess 7 comments
Feels bro 7 comments
· 10 years ago
That's stupid and I say you should play along with that whole karma thing and tear out his penis..
why cant i have an imagination like this 22 comments
why cant i have an imagination like this 22 comments
School bathrooms are deep 10 comments
Time to go 9 comments
Miley Cyrus or Simple Jack 8 comments
Best. Painting. Ever 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Adam and Eve look like sims when they are stuck between two objects and start yelling at you because they can't move even though if they just turned the fuck around they would be alright but no..
This might be my last selfie here 49 comments
This might be my last selfie here 49 comments
People suck 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Because that would make too much sense, that's way to easy. you are playing level life, because we as humans are led to believe in this bullshit idea of desperation and sugar coating our words to conform to the social norms. We can't be straightforward god forbid because we are built up to follow society's acceptance of what we say and do which has led us to become paranoid of the words we say or hear from others from the result of a brainwashed society