So this is how much sugar nutella comes with 41 comments
· 9 years ago
there's no trans fat unless it's partially hydrogenated palm oil.
Donald trump 3 comments
SnooooooopFELON 11 comments
· 9 years ago
a felony is a larger crime, snoop has only been in trouble for fractions/misdemeanors
Feminists joins Vegans 26 comments
Definition of Bae 26 comments
· 9 years ago
that's not what guest is saying. she/he is sort of paraphrasing what the post sounds like.
basically the guest's comment is like this (I think) :
"the slang used in the culture is inferior to the slang used in my culture" -how the guest understands the content of the post
"get over yourselves" -the guest's response to the people that agree with the post.
basically the guest's comment is like this (I think) :
"the slang used in the culture is inferior to the slang used in my culture" -how the guest understands the content of the post
"get over yourselves" -the guest's response to the people that agree with the post.
Definition of Bae 26 comments
· 9 years ago
"ghetto" generally means low income and high crime -- usually these areas have high percentage of "minority" population because of housing discrimination decades ago and job discrimination now, but ghettos aren't necessarily predominately black.
yes-- they definitely are having a harder time, possibly due to race but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about crime rates and economic standpoints.
and it isn't really making fun of a word because "tard" comes from "retarded" and "retarded" relates to people with mental disorders. people often use the word "retard" to call something stupid, suggesting that people with disorders are inherently stupid. "fucktard" is just an extension of that.
yes-- they definitely are having a harder time, possibly due to race but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about crime rates and economic standpoints.
and it isn't really making fun of a word because "tard" comes from "retarded" and "retarded" relates to people with mental disorders. people often use the word "retard" to call something stupid, suggesting that people with disorders are inherently stupid. "fucktard" is just an extension of that.
Definition of Bae 26 comments
· 9 years ago
wow let's make fun of "ghetto folk" that most likely have much more difficult lives than us!!!!!!! and let's use the word "fucktard" because making fun of people with mental disorders is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!
Feminists and Femanazis 30 comments
How would you like this new kind of tub! 32 comments
How would you like this new kind of tub! 32 comments
Some of the tourists, even at Jurassic world got it. 11 comments
· 9 years ago
also, if the video is made for viewing on a phone, then vertical video isn't a problem. the real problem is if you have to watch it on a TV or computer where there will be black bars, but if the video is going to stay on your phone, then it's fine.
(Why is vertical video so bad but when we take pictures vertically it's no big deal? doesn't make sense.)
I think the real problem is that websites like YouTube don't accomadate vertical videos like they should. the player should resize to fit the video imo.
(Why is vertical video so bad but when we take pictures vertically it's no big deal? doesn't make sense.)
I think the real problem is that websites like YouTube don't accomadate vertical videos like they should. the player should resize to fit the video imo.
And they would still make money 8 comments
And they would still make money 8 comments
Doesn't get enough credit 11 comments
· 9 years ago
same with will.i.am - so many people hate him but he pays off mortgages & student debt for underprivileged families and kids, gets STEM programs into bad schools, he started a brand that recycles plastic bottles into new products, does lots of stuff with FIRST robotics, and encourages kids to learn to code, but so many people hate him because he "stole" a song or because they don't like his music.
Boys Will Be Boys 10 comments
· 9 years ago
honestly this is borderline racist. I can't imagine they would tweet that if it was a white couple.
when i eating in front of people i hate. 4 comments
· 9 years ago
if you touch it imma start some drama. No no drama. you don't want no drama. so don't pull on my hand boy
Where prejudice doesn't exist 4 comments