

— isthiscoolenough Report User
What guys look for in girls 48 comments
isthiscoolenough · 10 years ago
I honestly believe that they could have been a bit more considerate and careful with what they were saying. I understand Nash and Cameron are new to the whole "thousands of people look up to you and you need to be wise with what you say" but JC at least should know better. He's been making videos for a couple of years now. He could've given them some insight and advice on what it would be like. Also the fact that Nash claimed that he spoke about girls being true to themselves and whatnot is just absurd. They did in fact say "be true to yourself" for like 15 seconds then went on to complain about the whole hair thing. And the fact that they said "entertain me" was just ridiculous and in saying "you can't be better than me" they are making girls believe that they need to be submissive in a relationship.
Honestly, girls take this video and analyze it to try and see what they can do to satisfy boys and that's just not right. Our purpose is not to please you.
I love to drink and drive 3 comments
isthiscoolenough · 10 years ago
As a lady I can relate too haha 4 comments
isthiscoolenough · 10 years ago
When you see it 31 comments
isthiscoolenough · 10 years ago
Fuck that I'm out
one crazy year 23 comments
isthiscoolenough · 11 years ago
He came back...
Charlie Chaplin's-The Greatest speech ever made 4 comments
isthiscoolenough · 11 years ago
I don't understand why Charlie's career derailed. I think sound made his movies even better.
Spotted this sneaky bastard while shopping 2 comments
isthiscoolenough · 11 years ago
Fucking pear
Your blues name 54 comments
isthiscoolenough · 11 years ago
Old Pickles Hopkins. Oh gross
If Abe Said It, It Must Be True 1 comments
isthiscoolenough · 11 years ago
Honest Abe.