*vaccinates rapidly...* 11 comments
· 3 years ago
*vaccinates rapidly...* 11 comments
Who's the wisest one? 1 comments
Da Vinci was quite the geographer 3 comments
Maybe not a shoutout 6 comments
· 4 years ago
OMG I hate loud noises or purple being unnecessarily Loud. I Live in Miami. I'll leave it at that.....
American elections got me like 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Trump tells his followers not to vote by mail, and then they are suprised most mail in ballots are for Biden. Can't make this up.
Me after four months of recovery from scoliosis surgery (I had 70°) 7 comments
· 4 years ago
As a PT I've seen patients do very well after. It's important to find good PT in your area to strengthen your core after. Problem with scoliosis is that you have to think long term. As we get older, it gets worse, and we won't recuperate as fast from surgery. Good luck!!
Edited 4 years ago
At least somebody is thinking of the children 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I think the person meant they also breath on CO2 with the mask now, butbyest people are stupid. Today I explained someone how to use the mask correctly. Yes, at almost the end of the year. Yes, I explained 3 times. They didn't get it. I gave up.
Liverpool 11 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh yes, the classic, I know you are from there and you can show me proof but I'm still right and you are wrong..... so freaking annoying.
A girl at a party once was convinced Miami was part of the Caribbean. Intried to educate her but honestly stopped because those kind of people would always win in their mind.
A girl at a party once was convinced Miami was part of the Caribbean. Intried to educate her but honestly stopped because those kind of people would always win in their mind.
Front liners 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Still Idk if you know people working on Hospitals and evn funeral homes but they have been hit hard workload wise so, eventhough it hasn't been as bad as we first thought it isnstill pretty bad. So one of the reasons I still believe we should keep wearing a mask and keeping distance is for these health care workers everybody now recognize. And like you said they always should be recognized, but if we are now more respectful to them then lets show that by trying to not make it worse for the..
There's no real way to disprove that 3 comments
Matthew 18:6 15 comments
· 4 years ago
Ues so the pount of this is that "left" (imo some extreme left and pedophiles) are mad it got canceled well or netflix got sued for it.