They taste the same 23 comments
· 4 years ago
I haven't travel THAT much but in an immigrant and many of my friends are and have been in a few countries. In america we have great diveristy, and quality in the since that supermarkets worry about how produce look and size of produce. With that said, in my experience ingredients (fruit, vegetables, seafood),have much more flavor even in latonamerica and Europe. There are certain ffuits I do not eat in USA but I love toneat when I go to another country for example.
Merciful aware strange Loris 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Yup. Except for the $400 part wtf? I was 15. I never had $400 to spare until I was in my late 20s
Hey we could try that instead of putting bump strips under bridges, maybe 15 comments
· 4 years ago
Agree with creative dragon. Significantly reduced is way better than nothing. Most people are quick to jump in the critics bandwagon or the all or none mentality that imo doesn't lead to anything. It is probably a better plan than what we have. We can give it a try and if we find flaws, fix those too. It's like people criticizing you do whatever you can for the environment because you can't do it all. Well shit I rather most people do at least the minimal than nothing at all.
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Yes, I wish more people would see that nature is essential to us but we are notnessential in nature. Some people live like we are.
Edited 4 years ago
I mean it's still affection 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Honestly it feels so good when another random girl compliments your make up/ clothes/ purse. Nothing more sincere exists
Oh, canda! 9 comments
Oh, canda! 9 comments
· 4 years ago
I Recently learned that from Jim Gaffigan, that he went to a city or state (or maybe province?) Called New found land. So they didn't even tried and they just called it Newfoundland. Lol I love it. It's like kids creating a land to play in their imagination.
Edited 4 years ago
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
· 4 years ago
That's very true too. An animal can over eat, can affect another species notnreally knowing. They just want to eat, but we can affect many at once, understand it, and just don't care. And sometimes for things like minetal mining, for gold that is probably for jewelry? Anyways I know it is way out of topic and didn't mean to make it so depressing lol
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
· 4 years ago
@guest_ no I don't take is as an attack. I understand your pov. I just get really depressed when I think what humans do to nature compared to animals. We have been here for a short period of time and have destroyed a lot for things that are not THAT (or sometimes not at all) necessary and it affevts other humans and other species. But thats just me. I know it's a very negative POV but sometimes can't help to get down about it.
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
· 4 years ago
I guess misunderstood. (Depends on who you ask lol) And I meant that in the movie scenario. I wouldn't be ok with half of the wold dying either obviously
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
· 4 years ago
@cakelover I'm a super empathetic person and feel for everyone, everything and every animal, with that daid, I think thanos is one of the most understood villains honestly imo
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Yeah there are parasites in nature. But besides organisms like that as a species, most of them, they might just used what they really need to survive. Most humans probably take more, specially depending on culture and lifestyle.
An inconvenient truth 27 comments
Juan Catalan was put on death row and spent nearly 6 months in jail for the murder of a 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Theres a doc about it on netflix (long shot). This post gives it away basically but still worth watching it. So crazy.
Edited 4 years ago
Just an elaborate prank bro 12 comments
· 4 years ago
Honestly I believe this. Sometimes I feel like he says the most outrageous stuff (since the killing someone in the middle of
The street comment) so he can be free and all it does is gain more followers.
Edited 4 years ago
The street comment) so he can be free and all it does is gain more followers.
It was a brehxperience 2 comments
· 4 years ago
It was mesmerizing, but odly enough it felt like something else/ cool would happen. But No
Edited 4 years ago