Ya don't say 11 comments
· 4 years ago
I don't think is ever to early too teach looks don't matter either, but this might be to early to choose to do this with black eyes. You can't explain kids things to kids when they are scared and crying
Ya don't say 11 comments
· 4 years ago
I guess @ baradmatthew has never experienced communism huh?
Edited 4 years ago
*breaks it anyway* 3 comments
This is so true that it’s actually true 6 comments
This is so true that it’s actually true 6 comments
Us 6 comments
· 4 years ago
So far I'm a vegetarian so dont have to worry about that thankfully. Have a veg garden but like you said would need more space to have enough food and maybe a goat for cheese and hens and a rooster for eggs. There's a dream....
You don't want smoke with Smokey 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Yes. Now it seems more about trying to make it bigger and better than other people. For those who care, it will be equally exciting to see you open an envelope
Edited 4 years ago
Anon asks about joe Rogan 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I love Joe and Ib think he is funny, but wouldn't say he is the funniest. Best interviewer rn yes.
Thank you 6 comments
· 4 years ago
I do it. I really appreciate good service. Everyone should, and if you ever worked as a server you do even more.
I feel sad for the olives 4 comments
RIP Chad 3 comments
· 4 years ago
I'm not even that into marvel and I don't think I saw his other movies (I should) but it has been so sad to me. He always seemed like such a good person and to know he did all that while being so sick. Wow.
So who had storms and forest fires for the last part of August? 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Weather is changing to the point you are seeing this in other areas (I'm guessing) for people in Florida this is just a regular summer. Hopefully it weakens when it lands and the people of Texas are safe.
The police taking a knee with protesters in Miami, Florida 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Yup. Real solution honestly is to weed them out and mental health professionals as part of the team. But I'm no one so.... lol
The police taking a knee with protesters in Miami, Florida 3 comments
· 4 years ago
One of the (few?) protests that was just nice, no riots after. Police and protesters prayed together. Only incident was a guy with. Trump shirt and a huge NRA flag trying to provoke people but got arrested (you can't get too close to a protest you are clearly against) To be this was in Coral gables.
They taste the same 23 comments
· 4 years ago
I feel like this post was maybe mocking people that do that, and the comment section has become a share -your - trip- experience group. But I'm not mad at it.
They taste the same 23 comments
· 4 years ago
@licky11 my husband always likes to eat fast food while in another country because it tastes different so he wants to test it,so he does it for his own little research lol
They taste the same 23 comments
· 4 years ago
I believe gelato over there is more "icy" because I guess that's how is supposed to be but idk. We were in Rome, naples, and positano. My favorite things were a gnocchi and a ravioli I had in positano. In Rome our favorite thing we ate was brusccheta which yes it is just tomato basil and bread with olive oil but again we felt the tomatoes over there were so sweet and fresh that we just loved it and ordered it all the time (even my husband noticed and he is not into food that much) and had the best pasta in my life in Naples. It wasn't even a restaurant it was in a wine tasting/ food paring in a vineyard. Again realy simple but so fresh and yummy. We went on our honeymoon, and I sooo want to go back. We had a good experience using trip advisor to check were to go before. We had a day trip to capri and had fish which was very good too. But yeah specially in capri and rome you have to be careful of touristy places.
They taste the same 23 comments
· 4 years ago
@chabgetheworld that's sad when I went that was my favorite thing. The food!! I felt like anywhere you can find good pizza and pasta. I was surprised how simple it was. Pasta can be just tomatoes and basil and I loved it. Not that heavy sauce we are used to in here.