Australia is not a place for humans 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Australia is beautiful! Come and enjoy summer with us.... Rule of thumb though, don't put your hand anywhere you can't see it. Seriously.
Australia is not a place for humans 16 comments
· 9 years ago
And that's and Olive Python, they kill their prey by strangling it for they produce no venom. Olive Pythons can grow over 4 meters in length which is bigger than some of our freshwater croc varieties.
Everytime I see a little dog, I ask myself 15 comments
Just for good measure 6 comments
Animals are wonderful 19 comments
· 9 years ago
He is guarding our galaxies I don't think you understand just let him do his thing
High school in a nutshell 6 comments
Why must I title? 9 comments
I hate it when this happen 28 comments
· 9 years ago
I think what people are missing here is that any form of anxiety (professionally diagnosed or not) is not something you can just switch off. Anxiety like phobias are irrational. You can be afraid of what people think of you even though they don't care because you can't help it. So stop giving people shit and telling them they are "weak pussies" and just think for one minute what it's like to have to physically will yourself to speak to people. Because it's not easy. Maybe for once think what it is like to not be the most popular kid in school who can say anything or the class clown and just encourage someone who is having difficulties with positive reinforcement.
Nathan is going to go a long way in life 6 comments
Anatomy of a fox 6 comments
· 9 years ago
You can buy this on Redbubble.com the artist offers them as shirts, jumpers, mugs and prints
Ball girl picks up bug on tennis court. Slow motion 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I remember watching this live a couple of years ago...... And pissing myself laughing
He even gave away his slippers 10 comments
Oh really Taylor? 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Well she obviously just doesn't 'fall in love' with many of these people that's why its a rare thing. Guys honestly, stop with this shit.
Questions with no answer 5 comments
Important things in life 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Isn't the point of an umbrella to keep you dry.... This is a great toy but I don't see the reasoning behind it.
Who am I to disagree? 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Some of them want to infuse you... Some of them want to be infused..