Jean P.


Jean P. Report User

She just had to kick on a dead man once again

She just had to kick on a dead man once again

Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, gets beheaded for treason

Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, gets beheaded for treason

Lgbt china

Lgbt china

Fun fact: Wilhelm the Second actually learned Dutch and was known to give the wood he

Fun fact: Wilhelm the Second actually learned Dutch and was known to give the wood he

Holy shit that's one of the most smooth moves a man can pull

Holy shit that's one of the most smooth moves a man can pull

It’s funny right ?

It’s funny right ?

Worth the risks

Worth the risks

HL lately be like

HL lately be like

Mike and jo-ann

Mike and jo-ann

Palpatine voice: Unlimited, Powerrr!

Palpatine voice: Unlimited, Powerrr!