

— Jenna Report User
This took me 3 days :') 17 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Wow! This looks amazing!
Nice 20 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Steady crash 7 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Why didn't they google that stuff?
Any good books? 26 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
And Terry Pratchett's books. Especially the discworld series!
Cleverly thought title 11 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
@poisin_kat oh, of cause, sorry, that makes sense
@honeybumblebee like poisin_kat said, it's a difference in grammar. In german "essen Essen" sounds weird. Just like saying "food eat" instead of "eat food" in english, but if you make a word for word translation of "eat food" it's "essen Essen" and the correct "Essen essen" directly translates to "food eat". I pointed out, that "Essen essen" would be the correct form in german, but of cause the direct translation makes more sense in the context of the sentence. I hope my explanation didn't make you even more confused.
Cleverly thought title 11 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
It's Essen essen not essen Essen
A simple spell but quite unbreakable 6 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
How does she wipe her ass?
That's a strange hybrid 3 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
No lack o'cat
Meowdy partner 13 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
What we all must do, in the end 9 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Doctor who, season 9 episode 8
This Is me every Monday. ( I'm the kid ) 14 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Well, I think neither the child nor the parents saw that coming, but even if the parents told the child not to go and pet the goat, I think the child is too young to be sure he understood this correctly, so I wouldn't blame it. If the cild was maybe 10 and was warned by its parents, I'd agree with you, but I don't think that's the case. I mean, whoever is filming the video could have easily stepped in before the accident if the child was not supposed to go to the goat, so I guess they wanted to make a cute video of the child petting the goat and never thought this would happen, so no one is to blame here.
This Is me every Monday. ( I'm the kid ) 14 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Yes, of cause the kid is trying to pet the goat, I just think the goats reaction isn't because it found this especially annoying, but because it thought the kid was kind of challenging it to a "duel". But of cause I don't know anything for sure.
This Is me every Monday. ( I'm the kid ) 14 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Well, it's really hard to see what the kid was doing at the start of the video, but I've already seen a few goats grow up and this is how I'd analyze the situation. They can be pretty forceful sometimes even though they are just playing and this looks like an especially strong willed little goat.
This Is me every Monday. ( I'm the kid ) 14 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
I definitely agree that the little goat schouldn't be punished, but you are wrong about why the goat does that. The kid wasn't an asshole and probably didn't mess with it. This is how little goats play with each other.
Edit: You can see how the kid bows down in the beginning of the video. For little goats this is actually an invitation to play. Normally a baby goat shows another one its forehead (and little horns if they have some) to invite it to play a little "let's smash our foreheads together to see who's stronger" game, so this is actually just a misunderstanding.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
B*tch this is a cob 8 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
This "bread" looks like very dry Rohrnudeln.
This aged well 10 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
Why would a video where some people can't answer some questions proof statistics about the climate change wrong?
I mean, yeah, coastal cities are still above water, but was there ever a claim that they should be underwater by now? That something didn't happen in the last 5 years doesn't mean it won't happen in 50.
And: 1. one cold winter doesn't mean the earths temperature isn't rising, there's proof for that. And I'm talking about real, neutral facts
2. tell me the name of a single glacier that is now bigger than it was in lets say 1980
Uncle's grocery list 8 comments
jenna · 5 years ago
I think he means spaghetti
Any thougts about this one? 31 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
Well I've never heard of any discounts for veterans here in germany. And I'm talking about every kind of discount for veterans from every country including germany. I mean, I know this happened in the netherlands, but maybe discounts for veterans aren't a thing there either. No one should feel offended by not getting a discount, you're in a different country with a different culture and veterans aren't glorified like in the US in every country of the world.
German "progress" 14 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
Well, nuclear power plants produce a lot of nuclear waste that you have to safely store somewhere for the next few thousand years and we actually don't have such a place.
Another reason is, that when one of our old rusty power plants malfunctions we're all doomed.
not gonna lie, 19 and this is still in the back of my mind 7 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
This isn't my childhood fear, this is my childhood dream!
Kappapride 16 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
No, or at least I don't
Chapter 25: When shit got real 74 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
Chapter 19: A new Beginning
She's the beauty standard 3 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
She's adorable!
When a hare stretches, it looks like a completely different animal 3 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
When a hare runs it looks a bit like a baby deer
Seriously does anybody actually like that shit? 7 comments
jenna · 6 years ago
I like sparkling water and 80-90 percent of the people I know like it too. I think it's just not popular America.