More espresso, less depresso 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Is... is that a comic glorifying Jordan Peterson?
Talk about it 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Yes, solitary confinement takes away everything a human needs to tell apart what is real and what isn't. After 3 days people start getting hallucinations and 15 days is enough to cause permanent psychological damage. 2 years of this torture is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
Yeet 6 comments
· 4 years ago
You should respect everyone, but I understand why someone wouldnt like to be friends with the last person
Heres a game for you guys 33 comments
Software 9 comments
· 4 years ago
In germany farmers haven't grown genetically modified plants since 2012 and there is only 1 kind of gmo corn and 1 gmo potato allowed in the eu. And everywhere in the world where gmo crops are the norm, farmers are pressured into growing them by big companies. And you can't tell me that spraying pesticides with planes is a good idea. And did you know that some farmers in south america even grow organic corn because it's cheaper to loose some of it to nature than to buy the pesticides because everything is adapting to the use of those pesticides rendering them almost worthless and resulting in the use of more pesticides which of cause cost more for the farmers.
Maybe you don't, but I think that's a very good reason to fear gmo crops
Maybe you don't, but I think that's a very good reason to fear gmo crops
Software 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Well, you should fear gmo crops actually. Not because they are genetically modified but because of what happened to regions where they are used
Do you even know facts, bro? 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I saw a documentary about, I think it was Penguins but I'm not completely sure, where they showed this happening in the wild. They said that gay couples often take care of abandoned eggs and that this could be kind of the reason why homosexuality exists even though at first it seems like a disadvantage for the species. The gay couples are there to adopt orphans that otherwise wouldn't have survived.
And on a side note here, if this is true and adoption is basically the evolutional purpose of gay people, it is rather concerning that humans often try to strip gay couples of their right to adopt because they are afraid the children could become gay because of that.
And on a side note here, if this is true and adoption is basically the evolutional purpose of gay people, it is rather concerning that humans often try to strip gay couples of their right to adopt because they are afraid the children could become gay because of that.
Not mine but where in the world are those tRAdiTiONal doctors in times of need? 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Our medicine and TCM are two very different things. Our normal medicine is very good at treating stuff like Corona. Very serious or potentially life threatening stuff where you need certain meds to cure them or where only an operation can help. But when it comes to the little stuff. Feeling more exhausted than usual, having some mild pain because youre getting older or even chronic stuff our medicine is clueless. This is the stuff TCM is good at. Acupuncture or some tea can definitely make you feel better/feel more energetic/have less pain. And if you went to your local doctor he probably would have just sent you home.
Edited 4 years ago
Important lessons need to be learned 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I think this is from the book/film "Hogfather" where death has to pretend to be the Hogfather (who is the discworld version of santa) to save hogswatch (christmas)
Oh well...Lets go straight then 17 comments
*Laughs in Belgian beer* 5 comments
Baltimore has it's head on right 36 comments
· 5 years ago
You're missing the point. For example by comparing children to monkeys with paintbrushes you were fucking disrespectful from the start! This is why I wrote a comment in the first place. Because people like you seem to see children as not able to learn anything and and you know how that is for a child? Fucking frustrating. Stop looking down on them! It can't be that hard.
Baltimore has it's head on right 36 comments
· 5 years ago
Of cause meditation isn't just sitting still. You have no idea how I meditate or why I meditate and now you are making assumptions after criticizing me for assuming something about you. Why?
And I didn't call you an asshole I just said you behaved like one.
Edited 5 years ago
And I didn't call you an asshole I just said you behaved like one.
Baltimore has it's head on right 36 comments
· 5 years ago
I apologize for making this false assumption but you're still behaving like an asshole
Baltimore has it's head on right 36 comments
· 5 years ago
Well your comments above, especially the one about how "meditation is an art, high art that demands long and hard training" definitly sounded like that...
Baltimore has it's head on right 36 comments
· 5 years ago
The ability to meditate isn't determined by age and you act like a dick saying YOU have "mastered the art of meditation" but no child can learn to meditate and I think that needed to be said here
Baltimore has it's head on right 36 comments
· 5 years ago
Meditation is reaching a certain state of mind. And @rosalinas who do you think you are to be able to read every kids mind! I always liked meditation as a kid and I still like it, but I have to say it was easier for me as a child to reach that certain state of mind. Just because something is hard for adults it doesn't have to be impossible for children so take your fucking elitism somewhere else!
It does look like one 6 comments