Grandpap settling in to the long sleep... Ripip 3 comments
· 5 years ago
that second picture makes it look like he's living on the international space station
Top o’ the morning to ya, you leprechaun ****! 16 comments
· 5 years ago
I think we shouldn't trivialize Irish culture like this. If you think the Irish weren't marginalized as much as other cultures, you need to read up on your history. The English committed genocide against the Irish people for God's sake. Irish citizens were beaten for speaking their own language, their religion was taken away from them, as was their land. To top it all, every year all the countries make a mockery of our culture and perpetuate stereotypes that all Irish are drunkards. Most Irish live in Ireland so the St. Patrick's day celebrations aren't shoved in their faces, but if you do happen to meet an actual Irish person living in America I am sure they will not find St. Patrick's day leprechauns as amusing as your friend whose grandmother is half irish does.
Fuzzy alert Newt 6 comments
· 5 years ago
it's a different guest, one who is possibly more homophobic judging from his recent comments
Oh look a Repost 8 comments
· 5 years ago
oh of course the building meme was great. but we need more oc not the same repost joke. I was actually one of the first proponents of the building meme, and the first one to make the simplification joke.
I thought that would work 2 comments
I should probably engage with more McElroy content, huh? 2 comments
· 5 years ago
He also said: "It may drop your gift to try and get you to bend over in front of the Clown Box; that's a trick."
Everytime 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I measure my dogs before I leave so I know if they've been elongating themselves when I'm gone. They might be doing that. There's no way to know. I must measure.
Chivalry isn't dead 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I always found it so dumb in movies when a guy would put his coat over a puddle that the woman could easily walk around
How many chuggas fj? 20 comments
Excuse me 14 comments
· 5 years ago
He's just making a point that it's somewhat hypocritical of any christian to condemn pedophilia after all the scandals in the church. Far from the only hypocrisy in the bible or religion but it hardly matters.