You're welcome internet 33 comments
· 10 years ago
I just made this and substituted the egg for a little plain Greek yogurt because we are out of eggs. It is amazing.
Boo's real name 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I have wondered for so many years and the answer was right there the whole time :b
A survivor's tale 9 comments
· 10 years ago
My mom's friend's dad was an SS officer in WWII, he died just last year. I'm pretty sure he was coerced into it though I don't think he actually hated Jews. My great grandfather was an officer in a POW work camp/jail here in the U.S. they had the prisoners working dawn to dusk on nothing but a roll and some water every day. Many of them had joined the German army for love of their country and were horrified once they saw what was really going on. My GG didn't think it was humane to force people to work so much with so little food, so everyday he took tomatoes, cheese, and bologna from the store he and his wife owned at the time and gave these items to the prisoners to make into sandwiches with their rolls. He could have been arrested for this if caught. After the prisoners went home to Germany they got together to make him a thank you card using lovely German calligraphy and sent it to him on his birthday. That card is still in my family.
When a bear charges at you 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually that usually doesn't work unless you're a master marksman, it's much better to carry bear spray because it'll burn the hell out of any animal in that general direction, usually blinding them temporarily, making the attack more trouble than it's worth to them. You also don't have to kill the animal (don't get me wrong I'd kill it if there was no other way) and it instills a fear of humans that may prevent the bear from getting into anymore encounters with people. Also if you are hiking in bear country be sure to make noise (stepping on twigs, shaking a can of pennies, talking) as this will prevent you from surprising them and inciting an attack, most of the time bears will get the heck out of dodge if they hear humans coming. Sorry I'm being serious on a funny post, just thought it might be good info for those who don't already know. :b
White people 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Why do we have to bring race into this? What do a bunch of white people let racoons eat off of them? It's just this one chick. This post is funny but the "white people" part seems unnecessary.
Peta-licious 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I have pet chickens and last night I ate Churches fried chicken right in front of them, they were completely oblivious to my betrayal...
Excuse me good Sir, but what are you doing? 13 comments
Looks like they're having fawn 6 comments
Hardcore racer, that dude 6 comments
· 10 years ago
The tortoise I've had since I was a child died today, and I swear I have never seen so many tortoises on tv or the internet in one day before. Its really bumming me out.
Survival of the fittest 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Rats can chew through concrete. Probably should have fed it mice or a smaller rat...
ಠ_ಠ I dont even know anymore.... 55 comments
A Zoo in New Zeland locks up visitors instead of animals 6 comments
· 11 years ago
In northern AZ there is a place called Bearizona. They have Dall Sheep, Burros, Bison, Timber Wolves, Arctic Wolves, Big Horn Sheep, and Black Bears. All of these animals are in huge enclosures of the forest and you drive your own car on a trail that leads through all of their enclosures. It is really cool because for the non-predatory animals you can have your windows down and a lot of the time the burros will come up and stick their faces in the window to be petted. The wolves like to come up and look through windows which makes for great pictures and you get to see the black bears play and climb trees and stuff up close without disturbing them because they are used to the cars passing through. (:
A Zoo in New Zeland locks up visitors instead of animals 6 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sure these lions are in an enclosure but it must be a huge one. I think if we're going to have captive animals they should be able to live in enormous enclosures like this.
They have no respect for boundaries 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I forget where exactly but I was in middle-northern California on the beach and this beach was the type that had like boulders and rock formation and stuff. Living in the rocks was a large population of squirrels. I was crouching down with my camera in one hand trying to get a picture of a squirrel that was basking in the sun all cute like on a rock, I had my other elbow resting on my knee and my hand was just dangling. All the sudden I felt something touch my finger and I looked down to see a chubby squirrel holding on to my finger with one paw as it looked up at me. It was so cute I almost died.
When you have your period you feel exactly like 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I miss playing The Sims, partly because of the hilarious glitches that game is so prone to.
Epic teacher! 13 comments
Moon Moon is at it again 7 comments
· 11 years ago
The fact that I get the joke means I spend waayyy too much time dicking around on the internet...
"Bravery" 97 comments
· 11 years ago
And just pointing out that I don't think any form of self harm is "bravery" because no other coping mechanisms or compulsions are considered brave so why should this be, and that there are definitely a lot of melodramatic pre-teens and teens doing it for attention.