"Bravery" 97 comments
· 10 years ago
I know it isn't exactly the same, and I didn't want to share it earlier because I honestly don't enjoy telling people, but if it helps you (and other people reading this comment section) kind of understand why certain people harm themselves then I think it's worth it. I have been a self-mutilator since I started high school, not so severe that I slash myself with a razor and nearly bleed out like some do, but I do hurt myself sometimes. Usually what happens is I have an anxiety attack and I claw at my right forearm with my own nails. But the thing is that most of the time I don't realize what I'm doing until I look down at my swollen bloody arm, I don't even feel it until what I see what I've done. At best I am only semi aware that I am clawing myself and I'm too wrapped up in what I'm freaking out about to stop myself. It's a compulsion that I can't control and as a result I have some light scarring. When people ask about the scars I usually lie and say I fell off my bike.
This is why I love Drake Bell. 22 comments
Children 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I’m not saying that there aren’t over-indulgent parents out there letting their kids do whatever because we all see them from time to time. All I’m saying is that people should realize that dealing with young children in any capacity is difficult and that kids act like little jerks sometimes, it’s part of being a little kid. I think that we all just need to be a little more understanding of this and a little more patient.
Children 14 comments
· 10 years ago
. So they did their best and tried to ignore the jibes of people who didn’t have kids (or happened to get an easier one) and were thankful for the knowing looks and patience from those who knew exactly what they were going through. And as it so happens I turned out to be incredibly tame once I got older. I’m quiet and always polite to other people and I don’t party or do other wild things that most college students do so they couldn’t have done too bad of a job.
Children 14 comments
· 10 years ago
to do? Beat me to death? They couldn’t discipline me any more than they did because they were already walking that fine line between discipline and out right abuse. Leave me at home? They couldn’t do that because my mother worked days and my father worked nights, and being in their early twenties making next to nothing hiring a sitter or dropping me off a day care was out of the question.
Children 14 comments
· 10 years ago
You probably don't have kids or siblings much younger than you. I have two younger sisters, one almost seven years younger than me and another eight years younger, as well as five cousins the oldest of them being seven years old. So I know what little kids can be like. You can't control their every move no matter how well disciplined they may be, every child is different, and you have to keep in mind that they are CHILDREN they're still learning about how to act and they have bad days just like adults, the difference being that they don't handle it quietly like (most) adults do. When I was a very young I was a hell-child (which is why there is so much age difference between my sisters and I) and I was not under-disciplined or radically spoiled. I threw tantrums in stores, I whined about having to go to the store, I wandered off when something caught my eye; I was a handful. My parents got shitty looks and comments like you posted from strangers all the time. But what were they supposed
The Geekdom Paradox.... 24 comments
· 10 years ago
The same goes for girls wearing band/musician shirts. I was wearing a Jimi Hendrix shirt and some guy asked me if I even knew who he was. I said yeah and I love his music. He asked me what Hendrix's birth-date was and I was like, "Why do I have to know his birthday to enjoy his music and wear a shirt?" I mean seriously guys back the fuck up.
Edited 10 years ago
The Geekdom Paradox.... 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I have never met or heard of a sexist geek girl. Doesn't mean they don't exist but they must be firmly in the minority.
When i'm with my friends and we see a cute boy 13 comments
"Bravery" 97 comments
· 11 years ago
Some people cut because they are mentally/emotional traumatized or unstable, it isn't always for attention though a lot people do it for that purpose. Either way I wouldn't call it bravery.
Someone make sure this makes it into a tumblr version 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Totally agree with making her shovel the sidewalk but shouting the reason for the world to hear is not appropriate.
We should never EVER let this happen. 49 comments
Cute kids. Cuteness overload. 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Some of those little girls are just too damn pretty for their age. They need to go back to looking like cute little doughy trolls until they hit like eight, then they can be pretty.
The Westboro Baptist Church wants everyone to respect Fred Phelps's privacy 12 comments
· 11 years ago
This man was a monster, let's not stoop to his level and become monsters ourselves.
Would you do this? 28 comments
· 11 years ago
My university told us to run from the building or hide...This sounds more effective.
The truth has been spoken 26 comments
· 11 years ago
http://photosalmagundi.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/p1340310blog4.jpg Who's brave enough?
Will you be my date to the prom? 18 comments
Good Boy! 7 comments
· 11 years ago
If people are spreading hate in the name of religion then I think its okay to argue respectfully. But otherwise people should just leave it alone. And that goes for everybody, not just atheists.
Feminism I think 60 comments
· 11 years ago
And for the record there's no excuse to hit a man either unless he attacks you, and shame on any women who think otherwise.
Feminism I think 60 comments
· 11 years ago
I think this photo was geared more towards women who get the tar beaten out of them by abusive husbands who are twice their size. Only a COMPLETE IDIOT would let themselves get stabbed to death because "feminism said so". And feminism didn't say that, this poster is about domestic abuse which definitely goes both ways but happens to women more often. And it disgusts me that people try to brush this off because "having a vagina doesn't make you delicate" or "women want to be royalty" maybe if you had to watch your mother or sister get slapped around like a ragdoll you'd change your disrespectful tune. Yes there are plenty of ridiculous feminists who want more than equality but their shitty behavior doesn't mean that women don't deserve equality (like equal pay) and it sure as hell doesn't negate the issue of domestic abuse.
Suck his d*ck, that'll show him 14 comments