Anotren? 179 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm a straight 17 year old guy 7 comments
Exciting times 7 comments
Still illegal in the UK, I wonder why. 39 comments
Still illegal in the UK, I wonder why. 39 comments
· 7 years ago
Could've been prevented if the hemp industry was not stomped out. And as far as recreational use, cannabis is far less damaging, long term and short than legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol. It is also less impairing than alcohol and less addictive than both. Anyone that says "it's a gateway drug" has been conditioned to think that way by propaganda the past 70 years have been flooded with in order to blind us from the truth. Cannabis is an incredibly effective medicine for many conditions and diseases and is a much safer form of recreation than many of the legal options today. And hemp can ve made into thousands of products which could make it into a revolutionary sustainable resource that can be used in countless industries from fuel and paper to clothing and construction, even food. Stop believing everything you're told.
Still illegal in the UK, I wonder why. 39 comments
· 7 years ago
Even Henry Ford used hemp plastic, and not metal on his first model t; it was stronger against impact. He also envisioned his cars running on hemp fuel, which was an incredible threat to petroleum. Anslinger and Hearst used their political power and media reach to perpetrate one of the world's most effective and long lasting smear campaign s to ultimately outlaw cannabis and hemp to protect their profits and the corrupt industries they were invested in. When the prohibition bill was presented on the house floor, a member of the hearing committee lied about the American Medical Association being in support of the bill to get it to pass. The marijuana tax act was created and put into effect by corrupt men with their own financial agendas, not to protect the American people. If this bill hadn't come to pass, we might be living in a world free of dependency on gasoline or lumber. Imagine all the oil that has been dumped in the ocean and all the forests that have been cut down. All of that
Still illegal in the UK, I wonder why. 39 comments
· 7 years ago
Ok first of all, the only reason cannabis is illegal is politics. In the 1930s Harry Anslinger and William Randolph Hearst perpetrated a smear campaign on cannabis to protect their investments in timber. They started calling it marijuana and used racism and distrust of Mexico and Mexican Americans to taint public view of the plant. It was not even commonly smoked recreationally at the time. Saying things like "most marijuana smokers are negroes, Hispanics and Filipinos," or that "marijuana causes ehite women to seek sexual relations with negroes or others" as well as falsely advertising horrific effects claiming the plant produces in its users insanity, criminality and death, or that smoking a joint will make you likely to kill your brother. Cannabis was also targeted by pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies because people could grow it themselves. Hemp was a strong competitor to wood and petroleum which would have been more efficient, more yielding, and entirely more sustainable.
She's not wrong 18 comments
Parenting done right!! 9 comments
Give it a few years 13 comments
· 9 years ago
The v neck maybe, but not the haircut or beard. The haircut is called a gentleman's cut and it has been around for decades. It may cease to be as popular as it is now, but it will never be as widely ridiculed as a mullet. As for the beard, it's a beard. Men have always grown them and they always will.
You should vote always 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Keep the people arguing with each other and powerless, if not completely oblivious to what the the government is actually doing. The government, specifically the nsa, is spying on us. Every single person that has any technological connection whatsoever is completely exposed. Anything we do through the Internet is available to the government, but we've done nothing about it. Why? Because political parties keep us distracted and against each other through the media.
You should vote always 18 comments
· 9 years ago
The United states is not a democracy, is a republic. The electoral college is supposed to vote in favor of whomever won the popular vote but they don't have to so it doesn't always happen. However, that doesn't mean our votes don't make a difference. For example, if Bernie Sanders beats Donald Trump by a landslide in the popular vote, the representatives in the electoral college are more obligated to vote for sanders to keep the support of their local voters. Bush lost the popular vote to gore, but just barely, so when the electoral college voted, they didn't have to worry about upsetting such a large number of voters. Everyone should vote, but not for a color or a single campaign promise. Most people don't agree with the people they plan on voting for as much as they think. Everyone should vote, but they should only do so if they are informed on the candidate. Politucal parties are only beneficial to corrupt politics and government. They don't make progress, they make distractions to
You should vote always 18 comments
Some people ask for too much 87 comments
· 9 years ago
But many people aren't given opportunities for better jobs, if if they're working and looking for them. Minimum wage needs to be increased because every person that works deserves to be paid enough to live. It's that simple. Even if a person is just working at mcdonalds because they think it'll be easier deserve to be paid enough to live because they are still contributing to society, plus, they'll find that its not as easy as they thought.
Some people ask for too much 87 comments
· 9 years ago
Exactly, desperation from the horrible economy and job market. People work at fast food joints because it's better than not having a job.
Some people ask for too much 87 comments
· 9 years ago
In today's society, a phone is a necessity. The world is all way to connected for a person to not be and still expect to be an equal member of society. It's also pretty important to have in order to keep a job. And phone companies don't really give the option for non smartphones anymore so it's not as simple as "downgrade your phone so you have more money." Besides, it's not necessarily very expensive to have a smartphone anymore. Not all smartphones and data plans are as good and expensive as iphones and 4G. You can get smartphone for 35 dollars and only pay that much per month for your bill, it just depends on what you get
Some people ask for too much 87 comments
· 9 years ago
Can support myself. Never got fired. Never went more than a week unemployed. People work at minimum wage jobs because they're desperate, not lazy.
Some people ask for too much 87 comments
· 9 years ago
And @coolpie178, this wasn't a problem 20-30 years ago, because minimum wage was a liveable wage back then and hadn't been devalued so much by inflation. And if an adult is working at mcdonalds or walmart, it's usually because it's the only job they can get. There aren't enough jobs available in this country. Unemployment is so high that people with college degrees are working jobs that they are over qualified for because there's no job market in their field anymore. College is not worth the debt anymore. And once again, you've obviously never worked in any kind of customer service before because it is very hard to deal with rich pompous assholes all day that think that you're lazy and don't deserve to make enough money to live because you work at a place that makes greasy food. Lazy people don't work at mcdonald's. Lazy people just plain don't work. I have never had a job that wasn't customer service, but that doesn't make me lazy. I'm 20 years old and have had 6 jobs in 4 years so I