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I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
In the beginning they were always terrifying, I was always so scared and lost, but I just got so used to being in the maze that it was so familiar. Its still terrifying to a certain degree, but Ive just been in it so often it's normal. If you start actively trying to remember your dreams I've heard it helps you dream like that.
I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
There's a bit right at the beginning of the maze to open the door in this really dark room, and it was a nightmare of a few months that I couldn't get out of the room BC I couldn't see the puzzle. I would scream and pound on the door till my knuckles bled until I finally figured out there was a secret switch in the middle of the floor that turned on a light. Every time I turn on the light now, there are still bloodstains on the door. Creeps me the fuck out.
I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
So I think they all or at least most of them are
I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
I can't be a hundred percent sure they're all the same but sometimes the dreams are right next to each other, and I knew for certain at least some of them are the same.
I love super vivid dreams 31 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
I have these really weird and vivid recurring dreams where I'm in this massive shifting maze of sand and stone, but I never find my way totally through it. But, I leave myself notes on the wall so nd in the sand each time I solve a puzzle in the maze, and when I have the dream again, they're still there and I get further in the maze. I still haven't reached the end of it, and sometimes there are years between the dreams, but they still happen and those damned notes are still there. Even my handwriting from the time I write them is the same. It kinda freaks me out.
Curves and Rolls 5 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Hell yeah. Dad bods are comfy to lay on and usually come with a sense of humour.
Nobility 10 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Harry is the wisest of the wise. We all need a Harry.
And next came the milky way 12 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
The whole series is a better moment compared to most.
Girl lines up for a race 20 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
I N T I M I D A T I O N T A C T I C L E V E L: M A X I M U M
Frame it like a picture [Night at the Museum 2] 6 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
That, and looking beautiful.
Frame it like a picture [Night at the Museum 2] 6 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
The soulless look in the last panel...
Diving 4 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Or a heavy water/ Gas ladened pool beneath the surface.
This trees girth - people for scale 6 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Loki love 1 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
And that Loki actually erased his name in the Book of Death so he only got reincarnated as a French con artist kid who Thor finds, gives his memories back to, and recruits him for the Young Anvengers.
I'd be pleased as pie with 5/20 16 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
22. Has one of those smiles that you only get when you're so excited it just lights your face up like Christmas.
Bird shaking off water mid-flight 1 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Well played 56 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Moon Moon of Middleearth 11 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Really late, but his official last name would be Thranduilion if we go with him being the son of Thranduil. He introduces himself as Greenleaf because, yes, translation, but also because he hails from the wood of Green Leaves, formerly known as the Greenwood.
This is how musicians get laid 6 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Well sign me the fuck up with the lad on the top. I'll bring my dog.
Choir perfectly imitates a thunderstorm, then they start singing.. 8 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
We did something very similar, and it sounded just like thunder when we jumped on our risers. The soprano line was hell to learn.
6 · Edited 6 years ago
Never fforget 15 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
*jealousy increases*
Never fforget 15 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Same. I feel the struggle. It seems like it'd be nice. So easy.
Never fforget 15 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
My friend's ex boyfriend can suck his own dick.
Get a round tuit 1 comments
jiasmin · 6 years ago
Okay story time. So I was in a club meeting st school, and the librarian asks if I've read a book yet.
Me: Nah, it's on the list, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Cue my ceramics teacher, Mr. Elwell.
Elwell: But if you did, would you do it?"
Me: did what?
Ewell: got a round to it.
Me: ...yeah?
He calmly reached into his pocket and pulls out a little clay object and hands it to me. It says 'to it' on it. And this man, he's got the biggest shit eating grin on his face when he just smugly tells me.
"There, now you've gotten a round 'to it'."