You caame here expecting to see a pic of somebody sexy didn't you? Well i can't blame you sir/miss cause i just am that good.
— Mendy Friedman Report User
Dc vs. Marvel 23 comments
· 10 years ago
And exactly why I have always loved DC better.
What seems to be the problem 6 comments
The look on his face 11 comments
Bill nye 44 comments
· 10 years ago
U can't say that apparently. Because he meant something totally different then what the text says. -_-
Bill nye 44 comments
· 10 years ago
I never said that. All i'm saying is he makes it sound as if people who believe in god don't contribute to society. "we need scientifically literate voters, and taxpayers for the future, we need engineers that can build stuff, solve problems" that sounds more like an implication, then a piece of advice.
Bill nye 44 comments
· 10 years ago
being religious and any of these things don't contradict each other. this is just a troll post by an uneducated athiest.
What did you expect? 16 comments
· 10 years ago
He looks like such a calm person. Like if bombs started going off all around him he would just sit down and start playing scrabble, while people run for their dear lives.
Money buys happiness 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Well those are very good points but as I said money was still a motive. That's at least is what I heard from a couple of sources.
Money buys happiness 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually he didn't have money. He recently went through a divorce and lost allot of money. That was one of his motives for commiting suicide.
It doesn't take that long 1 comments
· 10 years ago
But in all seriousness, working out isn't only good for looks. For example it helped me out of depression unhealthy social behavior and all in all gave me allot more confidence.
I prefer villains 23 comments
· 10 years ago
And that is why the joker will always be my favorite villian
Edited 10 years ago
True equality 32 comments
· 10 years ago
In all honesty, I can never take a guy seriously if he's wearing women's clothing.
A true hero :) 14 comments
The most expensive bird warmer 6 comments
Say hi to my d*ck 5 comments
Making good things out of the war 28 comments
· 10 years ago
The problem is as a Jew and half Israeli I know that saying stuff like this shows Israel to be a country that throws gas bombs. Which isn't true, they used to in old wars like the 6 day war. But nowadays they don't. And posts like this can cause outrage at a state who is trying to just have peace