

jik Report User

Do you want to be ants? Because that's how you BECOME ANTS

Do you want to be ants? Because that's how you BECOME ANTS

This dad is doing the small things to make his kids happy

This dad is doing the small things to make his kids happy

Humans are blind to ultraviolet light. But bugs can see it. Ever wondered what a flower

Humans are blind to ultraviolet light. But bugs can see it. Ever wondered what a flower

Definitely orange

Definitely orange

StarCraft Cosplay by SpiralCats Hidden

Not safe for work

A murder of crows

A murder of crows

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*



Pineapples go into assholes too, if you are brave enough

Pineapples go into assholes too, if you are brave enough

Everyone liked that

Everyone liked that